how does douglass refute this counterclaim?

    Douglass found solid reasons for believing what he repeatedly affirmed throughout the decade, as in his Dred Scott speech: I base my sense of the certain overthrow of slavery, in part, upon the nature of the American Government, the Constitution, the tendencies of the age, and the character of the American people. This is an effective counterclaim because it disagrees with the claim (stating that it should not be banned) and provides reasoning that disproves it (that it provides closure). In an argument, your, 'My cell phone doesn't have Internet access,' would need to be beefed up a little, to, 'My current cell phone doesn't provide Internet access, which is necessary for me to complete all my homework.' I know of no soil better adapted to the growth of reform than American soil. He talks of the ways in which black men and women struggle to hold their families together, and the importance of music as a way to express deep sadness. That which is inhuman, cannot be divine! Frederick Douglass's speech "What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?" has many of the elements of a good argumentative structure. That is provable, because your phone is so old it barely has texting! In the speech, Douglass makes a claim. Philip S. Foner (New York: International Publishers, 195075), p. 236 (hereinafter Life and Writings). An effective argumentative essay will bring up counterclaims for two reasons: An effective counterclaim will both disagree with and disprove a claim. Why, then, did Douglass speak as harshly as he did? Its easy for us to admit that slavery is wrong but, in Frederick Douglasss time no one thought that it was. He says of Sophia Auld, "Slavery proved as injurious to her as it did to me" (page 28). Slavery, in their view, was simply unconstitutional; the Constitution delegated to the federal government both the right and the duty to abolish slavery immediately, everywhere in the Union.[18]. He introduces this idea after his beginning steps in becoming educated and later reinforces it by providing extensive examples of his experience with; slave-masters, learning the alphabet, reading and writing, and the exposition of individual opinions in literature. He was appealing to the public to honor those victims claim for a slight measure of compensation in a fashion carefully tailored to their needs and to the deepest of the wrongs that they had suffered. He point-by-point counters a Southern narrative that argued that slavery benefitted black people. Provide a quotation from the speech that shows Douglass's response to the counterclaim identified. For radical critics, Americas betrayals of the ideals of liberty and equality for all are betrayals in the nations founding principles rather than betrayals of them. The analysis of the under discussion autobiography indicates a lot of major universal themes and human exploitation is one of them. in Literary Studies. In order for evidence to be reliable, it must come from a credible source that is current, nonbiased, provides researched sources, and (preferably) peer-reviewed. How does Douglass refute this counterclaim? You're going to need to support your claim to get rid of that crummy, old, obsolete phone that's holding you back. II, pp. appalachian school of law shooting victims; private members' clubs london mayfair. A great deal is at stake in this critique, and it demands a clear, forthright response: These charges against the Founders are false as well as pernicious. : Rowman & Littlefield, 2001), chapter 1. What have you learned about the struggle for freedom from reading this speech? how does douglass refute this counterclaim?kids baking championship where are they now marshall park lunenburg ma where is boca grande beach where is boca grande beach Learn what a claim and counterclaim is in argumentative texts, and study examples of the components of an argument. In paragraph 5, what does douglass acknowledge as a counterclaim to his position? Because of Douglasss quest for freedom, his daring attitude, and determination to learn, he shows us the way through American Slavery in his eyes. He returned also a more confident and independent thinker, and in late 1847, against Garrisons advice, he launched his own newspaper, originally titled The North Star. Most urgently, he taught them to reject the spirit of alienation, which he saw as the greatest danger to any peoples liberation and elevation. Suppose that you are trying to get information from people who equivocate. [31] Douglass, Our Composite Nationality, December 7, 1869, in Douglass Papers, Vol. A counterclaim is just the opposite of a claim. how does douglass refute this counterclaim? Rebecca Simon is an ELA and social studies Master Teacher. Fair play meant at minimum that the nation must reject the alternatives of (1) re-enslavement, this time of the entire black American population; (2) colonization or expatriation; (3) persisting subordination of blacks as a degraded caste; and (4) outright extermination. His evidence for this claim is that when he first meets her in Baltimore, she is a very kind woman. His emphasis on property rights grounded in productive, opportunistic laboring went hand-in-hand with a respect for blacks equal capacity for cultivating and perfecting the self-elevating virtues. but his relative moderation in this proposal is certainly in keeping with his classical-liberal respect for property rights, along with his longtime concern to sustain and strengthen a spirit of virtuous self-reliance among black Americans. [45] The manuscript is available in the Frederick Douglass Papers at the Library of Congress (Speech, Article, and Book File; Miscellany, Folder 7 of 20) and also online at the librarys Douglass Papers Web site, The standard format for an argumentative essay is as follows: An effective argument contains all of the necessary components (claim, reasons, evidence, counterclaims) while keeping the intended audience in mind. As he renewed his labors for justice and progress for the freedpeople, Douglass had to confront a nettlesome question, lingering in the minds even of many anti-slavery whites, that had long obstructed the abolitionist cause. In the Narrative of the Life Of Frederick Douglass, we are exposed to the iniquity of slavery and the dehumanization of the black race, which then led Frederick Douglass to recognize that literacy and education would aid him in his flight to freedom. Frederick Douglass autobiography, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave offers a depiction of slavery like very few before him, from his firsthand accounts. Reiterating at the end of his life a powerful theme of his earliest writings, Douglass insisted that educationmeans emancipation. : Da Capo Press, 2001), p. 688. The most telling, the most killing, refutation of slavery, he wrote to Harriet Beecher Stowe in 1853, is the presentation of an industrious, enterprising, thrifty, and intelligent free black population. Ever confident in the power of virtue to dispel prejudice, Douglass affirmed in 1883 that the moral government of the universe is on our side. [29] Douglass, Speech at the Unveiling of The Freedmens Monument, April 14, 1876, in Life and Writings, Vol. IV, p. 459. What country have I? he asked, a member of a race placed outside the protections of law, and answered, I have no patriotism. [44] Douglass, We Are Not Yet Quite Free, August 3, 1869, in Douglass Papers, Vol. He then state I would at times feel that learning to read had been a curse rather than a blessing. Slavery has been around since the 1700s, but the subject of slavery is controversial because it not only includes information written from former slaves, but information acquired from historians. 2023. Who are the experts?Our certified Educators are real professors, teachers, and scholars who use their academic expertise to tackle your toughest questions. In his 1894 Blessings of Liberty and Education speech, presented a few months before his death, Douglass ventured on the subject a last word that he feared would be more useful than palatable: Since emancipation we hear much said of our modern colored leaders in commendation of race pride, race love, race effort, race superiority, race men and the like. In this method, the author would address the counterclaims within each of the body paragraphs. IV, p. 459. The words you choose make a difference in your writing. Typifying a view of the Founding now common among scholars of race are remarks by Justice Thurgood Marshall, the first AfricanAmerican Supreme Court Justice and a hero of the legal struggle that paved the way for the Civil Rights Era. When Douglass wrote this book, slavery was still legal in a large portion of the United States. If the author's claim is that organ selling should be legalized, an example of an effective counterclaim would be that organ selling should not be legalized because it can drive up the cost of organ transplants, meaning that only the rich could afford to receive a transplant. For a standard 5-paragraph essay, the introduction is one paragraph and contains the thesis statement, or overall claim for the essay. how does douglass refute this counterclaim? - He talks about how grateful he is that america is young because it has time to create its own path without a past to hold it down. Douglasss sometimes stern emphasis on the virtues of self-reliance and self-elevation does not mean that he had grown insensitive to the magnitude of the difficulties yet to be overcome; nor does it mean that he had resorted to blaming the victim or placing exclusive responsibility on the freedpeople for their condition. Up from Alienation: Douglasss Abolitionist Years, Speaking to the Garrisonian American Anti-Slavery Society in 1847, a youthful Douglass posed a poignant question and supplied a dispiriting answer. Get unlimited access to over 88,000 lessons. A claim tells what you think is true about a topic based on your knowledge and your research. Frederick Douglass shows her fast transformation from generosity to hard-heartedness to show the pernicious effect slavery has on white slave owners. If you've ever watched a detective show, then you know evidence. 42% of the inmates are black, although African-Americans only account for 12.5% of the U.S. population" (Walter). Evidence is usually some kind of research. State what role curiosity plays in an interview. A claim of policy is an argument in support of, in opposition or, or for the alteration of an existing policy, law, or mandate. Accept the criticism of the counterclaim. Writing before slaves were freed in the United States, Douglass' main objective in the Narrative is to dispel any notion that slavery is good for those enslaved. The persistence of Douglasss hopeful, energetic activism during that very difficult decade deserves further comment. 'My friends that have Internet access make the Honor Roll.'. His new duties in that office compelled him, as he later wrote, to re-think the whole subject, and to study, with some care, not only the just and proper rules of legal interpretation, but the origin, design, nature, rights, powers, and duties of civil government.[13] This rethinking, he reported, brought about a radical change in my opinions.[14] At the center of that change was a radical reappraisal of the American Founding. First, it makes clear that Douglasss demand for nothing but fair play allowed for vigorous protective and remedial action by the federal government. 217, 219. V, p. 78. Counterclaim - a claim for relief made in opposition to, or to offset another person's claim. This meant first the reintegration of a country still badly divided by sectionalism in the immediate aftermath of the war. There he worked proudly as a day laborer and refined his oratorical powers, both as a lay preacher in New Bedfords African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church and as a participant in the meetings of local black abolitionists. At the end of this excerpt, what encouraging signs does Douglass find? Frederick. 411, 414. -douglas was trying to to reach to people who didn't agree with slavery, but never did anything to fight against it. how does douglass refute this counterclaim? But the final, unimpeachable confirmation of Lincolns anti-slavery commitment came for Douglass in August 1864, when the President, fearing that a demoralized electorate would soon force a premature end to the war, summoned Douglass to the White House to discuss a covert scheme for liberating as many as possible in the meantime. how does douglass refute this counterclaim? - Viewed in its larger significance, the Union victory meant a victory not only over an extreme, implicitly anarchic variant of the state-sovereignty doctrine, but also over the no less pernicious doctrines of sectionalism and racial supremacy. The United States should ban capital punishment. -the struggle for freedom changes through history by always separating one race from the other, and calling one superior He analyzes the story of his wifes cousins death to provide a symbol of outrage due to the unfairness of the murderers freedom. [N]o one seems to have doubted the correctness of the prevailing opinion of the time.[4]. Open Document. Frederick Douglass pure story telling in the Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass directly goes against any argument for slavery from Fitzhugh, by revealing the harshness of the institution of slavery and the individuals behind it. A counterclaim is the argument (or one of the arguments) opposing your thesis statement. [20] Douglass, Speech on the Dred Scott Decision, in Life and Writings, Vol. A counterclaim is the argument opposing the author's claim. While this quote is from a credible source (Markkula Center for Applied Ethics), it merely restates the claim and reasoning, rather than providing actual evidence to support it. And it is no less difficult to see how the propagation of the opinion that the American Founders ostensibly universal principles and ostensibly free institutions were meant to secure the oppression of people of color could fail to spread and to deepen that demoralizing sentiment. In the end, these elements of freedom-becoming educated-led to his last act of rebellion, which he thought would bring him freedom. [58] The Blessings of Liberty and Education, in Douglass Papers, Vol. in Professional Writing and Rhetoric from the University of New Orleans and a B.A. The counterclaim is just one of the four elements of an argument, which include: Claim - to assert facts that give rise to a legally enforceable right or judicial action.

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