i will take your gift to bilbo the magnificent

    Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Create your own unique website with customizable templates. Thranduil accepted the gift, but before they parted he added humorously: Thranduil proved to be a team player. There, he sees the magnificent, terrible dragon asleep on piles of treasure. He was hired on specifically to be a thief. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1916/50/section/2/enacted, https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1968/60/data.pdf, https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1980/58. This last act of collaboration might be viewed as an expression of the desire for peace. The Hobbit, Chapter-By-Chapter: The Return Journey May your shadow never grow less (or stealing would be too easy)! "I will take your gift, O Bilbo the Magnificent," said the king gravely. He was willing to accept the responsibility for Gollum, the odd creature that was brought to him, under Gandalf's advise. In order to count as theft, such property must have belonged to another. "It's me, Bilbo Baggins, companion of Thorin!" "There is more in you of good than you know, child of the kindly West. But all was deadly still. According to some of the texts, Oropher, Thranduil's father, led one of these groups, and Thranduil was among them. Stealing from a thief is still theft. He fights in many battles, verbal and physical, to fight for the greater good. "O well!" And turning towards the Mountain he added: "Farewell Thorin Oakenshield! When Frodo unbuttoned his shirt the ring was there on a chain wrapped around his neck. Validate reading with our Dynamic Quiz System. "Well, er, I thought, don't you know," said Bilbo rather confused, "that, er, some little return should be made for your, er, hospitality. The Battle under the Trees was hard and long, and much of the forest was ruined, but in the end, Thranduil prevailed. I mean, I should have liked to see them again," said Bilbo sleepily; "perhaps I shall see them on the way home. Mine is the following. May your shadow never grow less (or stealing would be too easy)! Bilbo Baggins, of Bag End, was not one often thought of when one thinks of a hero. Faced with indescribable darkness, the Elves and their king retreated until at last a new palace was delved in the ground, after the example of Menegroth (the Thousands Caves), the seat of the king in ancient Doriath. But weariness left their enemies with the coming of new hope, and they pursued them closely, and prevented most of them from escaping where they could. "Now I wonder what has happened?" he said to himself. The Wood Elves did not work the land, mined or worked metals or jewels, nor did they trade.7 It seems that they didn't have any income source, so it is safe to assume that all their needs were purchased with the king's treasure, namely the realm treasury. I would rather old Smaug had been left with all the wretched treasure, than that these vile creatures should get it, and poor old Bombur, and Balin and Fili and Kili and all the rest come to a bad end; and Bard too, and the Lake-men and the merry elves. "What voice is it that speaks among the stones?" Most define their hero as the knight in shining armor, but Mr. Baggins prevails as much more than that. Tea is at four; but any of you are welcome at any time!, Roads go ever ever on, Going on from there was the bravest thing he ever did. At the point where their path parted, Bilbo offered Thranduil a gift of a necklace made of silver and pearls. He was shaking, and as chilled as stone, but his head burned with fire. ", "I will take your gift, O Bilbo the Magnificent!" He is the hero of the pack. Gandalf and Bilbo rode behind the Elvenking, and beside them strode Beorn, once again in man's shape, and he laughed and sang in a loud voice upon the road. He tried to persuade Bilbo to stay with them, for his own safety. Then he took out his morning letters, and began to read, pretending to take no more notice of [Gandalf]. Yet I am glad that I have shared in your perils that has been more than any Baggins deserves., So comes snow after fire, and even dragons have their ending!, Then Bilbo fled [with the cup]. And may your shadow never grow less (or stealing will be too easy)." It just fit so perfectly with Lee Pace's portrayal of Thranduil. But sad or merry, I must leave it now. ", Then the dwarves bowed low before their Gate, but words stuck in their throats. Misery me! I like his moment with Thranduil, making return for his stay in Mirkwood. To illustrate, Bilbo says "As soon as I saw your funny faces on the door-step, I had my doubts" (Tolkien 19). Get books for your students and raise funds for your classroom. But you make a good argument. Blog Uncategorized i will take your gift to bilbo the magnificent Uncategorized i will take your gift to bilbo the magnificent For this reason he took a large army and together with Malgalad9 of Lrien joined the Last Alliance with the Noldor, the survivors of Nmenor, and the Dwarves, in Mordor. said the king. The Hobbit, or There and Back Again by J.R.R. Tolkien, Ch Throughout this journey, Bilbo changes for the best. Only thing to do! No good at all! and if it was sadly lessened, yet many were glad, for now the northern world would be merrier for many a long day. "Baggins!" The Tookish part was getting very tired, and the Baggins was daily getting stronger. "I will take your gift, O Bilbo the Magnificent," said the king gravely. The West is considered Elven home, but it is a foreign land to the natives of Middle-earth, and there's no guarantee that those who passed west are happy in their new dwelling. The dragon was dead, and the goblins overthrown, and their hearts looked forward after winter to a spring of joy. I am the friend of bears and the guest of eagles. This also excludes dishonesty: if dishonesty is already excluded if [the person] appropriates the property in the belief that he would have the other's consent if the other knew of the appropriation and the circumstances of it (s. 2(1)(b) TA 1968), then this must also apply if the legal owner of the property actually told the supposed thief to take it. (S. 6(1) TA 1968). The 26 Best Bilbo Baggins Quotes - Bookroo "I will take your gift, O Bilbo the Magnificent And I name you elf-friend and blessed" (293). Asked by cody f #263209 on 9/3/2012 5:07 PM Last updated by jill d #170087 on 9/3/2012 5:32 PM Answers 1 Add Yours. He was talking to himself, but Gollum thought it was a riddle, and he was frightfully upset., The Eagles! The Hobbit - The Hero's Journey (p.198) Bilbo is able to touch many hearts with his . Early in the Second Age groups of survivors from the ruin of Doriath, crossed the Blue Mountains (Ered Luin) eastwards. Tools to track, assess, and motivate classroom reading. The man was swift and sure-footed. I have drunk much of your wine and eaten much of your bread." "I will take your gift, O Bilbo the Magnificent," said the king gravely. He refused to fight for gold and showed his concern to the safety of Bilbo, a messenger of his enemy, when the latter offered some leverage in the shape of a treasure he did not own. O Elvenking!" Near the end of what was believed to be failing negotiations, Bard tried to persuade Thranduil to attack before the Adolescent bilbo is our hero, knight in shining armor, and burglar in this case. Really it is enough to make one weep, after all one has gone through. I dont look it, but I am beginning to feel it in my heart of hearts. When Thranduil questioned why Bilbo offered this gift, Bilbo confessed to have been an uninvited guest at the king's halls, using his food and wine. Perhaps one reason why our hero Bilbo stays on the sidelines of the Battle of Five Armies is to show how un-glorious battle really is: unlike the people in the midst of the fighting, Bilbo has the space and time to realize that war is "very uncomfortable, not to say distressing." By caves where never sun has shone, "Well, er, I thought, don't you know," said Bilbo rather confused, "that, er, some little return should be made for your, er, hospitality. Bilbos hope could move mountains, just alike to any other heros faith. They all venture far away to a mountain, in hope of reclaiming their treasure that has been taken over by a mischievous dragon. It's not just the Elvenking; he also leaves the stolen keys with the drunken guard in the Elvenking's dungeons so the . I have drunk much of your wine and eaten much of your bread. How on earth should I have got all that treasure home without war and murder all along the way, I don't know. This weakness might be the reason why Thranduil is viewed as greedy in the eyes of some readers. Not Today. Bilbo slips on the Ring and disappears. A cave it might have been, but the place was filled with life and light. The place became a stronghold of the darkness known as Dol Guldur (Hill of Sorcery). I have drunk much of your wine and eaten much of your bread. In the novel, The Hobbit by J.J. Tolkien, Bilbo Baggins as a character grows tremendously. His heart was beating and a more fevered shaking was in his legs than when he was going down, but still he clutched the cup, and his chief thought was: "I've done it! I mean even a burglar has his feelings. Therefore, it is best to leave the end obscure, and allow each reader to imagine his or her own image of happy ending. Simple yet when applied to daunting obstacles or dragons ;) I've found many times this outlook is not only encouraging but true. said Thorin. To the Elvenking he gave the emeralds of Girion, such jewels as he most loved, which Dain had restored to him. The Eagles are coming!, I came from the end of bag, but no bag went over me. (18.46-9). Now at journey's end, examine why the Elvenking would call Bilbo the magnificent as well as burglar. Yet I am glad that I have shared in your perils - that has been more than any Baggins deserves.". Who were those Elves who welcomed the emigrants? ", "I am sorry. May your beards never grow thin!" "Farewell! (18.46-9) Bilbo's moral code is incredibly rigid when it comes to payment: if he has received a service or profited off somebody, he has to pay for it. (3.35). "And I name you elf-friend and blessed. Bilbos first triumph forces him to recognize the strength he commands. I mean even a burglar has his feelings. "Now I wonder what has happened?" However, any indictment would fall apart on the elements of with the intention of permanently depriving the other of it and dishonesty. They drove many of them into the Running River, and such as fled south or west they hunted into the marshes about the Forest River; and there the greater part of the last fugitives perished, while those that came hardly to the Wood-elves' realm were there slain, or drawn in to die in the trackless dark of Mirkwood. "But how is it yours to give?" And I don't know what I should have done with it when I got home. The Wild was still the Wild, and there were many other things in it in those days besides goblins; but he was well guided and well guarded-the wizard was with him, and Beorn for much of the way-and he was never in great danger again. I have drunk much of your wine and eaten much of your bread. I find there is an irresistible charm about it and I love the story. However, there's no simple or easy solution to the question of "what is a happy end" in Tolkien's universe, which is full of philosophical and moral inner debates. In what way have I earned such a gift, O hobbit? said the king. In a book where there are good races and bad races the elves and the goblins, respectively, the dwarves are probably the closest things we have to a moral grey area. i will take your gift to bilbo the magnificent What news?" In fact, Gloin says, "As soon as I clapped my eyes on the little fellow bobbing and puffing on the mat, I had my doubts" (Tolkien 18). "You are needed and we have looked for you long. I am sure it is better in your hands.". The Hobbit: Chapter 18 Summary & Analysis - LitCharts But they came to that high point at morning, and looking backward they saw a white sun shining over the out-stretched lands. Why might the novel spend so much time on Smaug's perspective (and even his feelings like Bilbo, he has anxious dreams!)? However, based on Thranduil's description from The Hobbit, he may have had Vanyarin ancestors among his family roots. (73). There far away was the Lonely Mountain on the edge of eyesight. Then dismay fell on the Goblins and they fled in all directions. Having to be on The Hobbit & The Lord of the Rings Gift Set: A Middle-earth Treasury by J.R.R. "May you ever appear where you are most needed and least expected! i will take your gift to bilbo the magnificent The Silvan Elves did not only fight during the long years of the Third Age, but also knew how to celebrate. After a while as his head cleared a little, he thought he could see elves moving in the rocks below. And I name you elf-friend and blessed" (293). "I will take your gift, O Bilbo the Magnificent!" said the king gravely. Ill base my analysis on the modern English law on theft (Theft Act 1968), adverse possession etc, because even though The Hobbit is from before 1968 and the Limitation Act 1980, the old Larceny Act 1916 was even more of a mess than the current law (just have a look at the table of contents, or section 1, really) and still contained bits about whipping male offenders under 16 years of age (s. 2) (https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1916/50/section/2/enacted), so I wont inflict that on anyone here. "Farewell, good thief," he said. To Bilbo he said: "This treasure is as much yours as it is mine; though old agreements cannot stand, since so many have a claim in its winning and defence. CHAPTER 18. THE RETURN JOURNEY - Sean Smith: English - Google Sites said Balin at last. "I will take your gift, O Bilbo the Magnificent," said the king gravely."And I name you elf-friend and blessed. While an owner can steal their own property if a third party has any lesser proprietary right or a right to possession or control, if this is not the case, an owner cannot steal their own property (Simester and Sullivans, p. 501; see also p. 503). Explain please. Bilbo not only avoids the battle, he . He stumbles around, and sees that the goblins have been defeated. Tea is at four; but any of you are welcome at any time!". This argument kind of rests on the assumption that the treasure of Erebor belongs to Thorin, not Smaug, which Smaug obviously disagrees with. Alive after all I am glad! Mithril Shirt - Valar Guild The Hobbit is my favorite book. The owner thereof is Thorin (through inheritance). So while I agree with your assessment in this one particular instance I must say that he acts the part of a thief several other times throughout. Also noticed near the end of the eye catching book, Now I wonder what has happened? he said to himself. Another piece of evidence that proves the nerves shown by Bilbo before entering his first journey, Yes, lots, said Bilbo before he remembered not to give his friends away. These courageous actions display the heroic character of Bilbo. Yet a fourteenth share of all the silver and gold, wrought and unwrought, was given up to Bard; for Dain said: "We will honour the agreement of the dead, and he has now the Arkenstone in his keeping.". Upon his tomb the Elvenking then laid Orcrist, the elvish sword that had been taken from Thorin in captivity. Thanks to IgnobleBard for editing this article, and for his support. Given that this quest doesn't seem to be about good vs. evil exactly, why do you think Gandalf has chosen to get involved? "And I name you elf-friend and blessed. Bard lays out his case pretty clearly for why his people deserve some of Thorin's treasure. Copyright 2023 IPL.org All rights reserved. Their bearers became weary from the long years of using the Rings and sailed west. "I will take your gift, O Bilbo the Magnificent!" said the king gravely. he said to himself. Bilbo's moral code is incredibly rigid when it comes to payment: if he has received a service or profited off somebody, he has to pay for it. Because he lives a hero, one will not fail to recognize him. When Thranduil heard that the dragon Smaug was slain, he started to march with an army towards the Lonely Mountain, as he knew of the wealth of Thror, the last Dwarven king under the mountain, which the Dragon took. On page 318, Bilbo has been cited listening, I will take your gift O Bilbo the Magnificent! said the king gravely(Tolkien, The Hobbit, 318). I have been sent to look here for the last time. Misery me! "Well, er, I thought, don't you know," said Bilbo rather confused, "that, er, some little return should be made for your, er, hospitality. Really it is enough to make one weep, after all one has gone through. Upon one side were the Goblins and the Wild Wolves, and upon the other were Elves and Men and Dwarves. They promptly moved in and it is here that Bilbo would spend the majority of his lifetime. ", Then Bilbo turned away, and he went by himself, and sat alone wrapped in a blanket, and, whether you believe it or not, he wept until his eyes were red and his voice was hoarse. But please come to tea any time you like! A thief but an honest thief, he remains. I didnt intend to open that can of worms! (17.62). Hes found it, yes he must have., All that is gold does not glitter, ", "A nasty knock on the head, I think," said Bilbo. With the threshold guardians now gone, the company, plus Bilbo, may now begin their long, treacherous, Bilbo Baggins. He goes from caring about nothing besides his cakes and tea, to opening up to a whole different world outside of the Shire. He had many hardships and adventures before he got back. "Where are the Eagles?" they aided you in your distress, and in recompense you have thus far brought ruin only, though doubtless undesigned." What do you think would have happened at this stage if Gandalf hadn't suddenly called a halt because the goblins are coming? Despite his gruff exterior, Beorn had turned out to be a most gracious host, Bilbo thought to himself. "Hullo there! I wish Thorin were living, but I am glad that we parted in kindness. Moreover Beorn was going that way too. But Thranduil, who had suffered much loss in his time, had a different set of priorities, and he told Bard: This near calamity ended when the goblins and the wargs appeared. Wiki User. He encounters goblins, creatures, trolls, wargs, spiders, and greed, but not without his friends and his new magic ring. As known before, the threshold guardians lasts as a particular one of the first test providers, as well as the guardian of the special world. Mischievous trolls were one of the first tasks met by Baggins causing him to become nervous and timid. Which creatures does Bilbo think it is OK to kill? The elf-host was on the march;. he said; "and farewell, Dwalin; and farewell Dori, Nori, Ori, Oin, Gloin, Bifur, Bofur, and Bombur! Recognition is given at this time to Bilbo Baggins, their almighty and capable. I am Ring-winner and Luckwearer; and I am Barrel-rider., I will give you a name, he said to it, and I shall call you Sting., Very well! said Bilbo very downcast, and also rather annoyed. But what the dwarves are seeking more than anything else is treasure as Bilbo points out much later in the novel, the dwarves have thought of "no way of getting rid of Smaug" (12.33). Bilbo unsheathes his sword, Sting, and gives it to a somewhat awestruck Frodo, telling him that "the blade glows blue when orcs are . Thranduil, a Sindarin Elf, remembered this detail from the history of Doriath. Some may consider he or shes mentor as old and wise, however they would be incorrect in this instance, for Gandalf remains much more than just old and wise. Throughout his long adventurous journey he adapts to a new way of life and his inner Tookishness comes out. The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien, Chapter XVIII THE RETURN JOURNEY - LingQ If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world. And merry be all your folk! i will take your gift to bilbo the magnificent Thranduil, now the king, returned home to a forest full of life and light, a home where he and his surviving warriors could heal from the horrors of the war and the massive loss of their kin. This subreddit is a space for the Tolkien nerds of reddit to debate and discuss the whole Tolkien mythos. The "Tale of the Years" in The Lord of the Rings tells us of a desperate battle under the trees, in which the forces of Dol Guldur invaded Thranduil's realm. My favorite line was when Thranduil said to Bilbo: "I will take your gift, Bilbo the Magnificent. In Lrien, three attacks were repelled, after which Dol Guldur was taken and Galadriel threw down its walls and laid bare its pits. Bilbo's Gifts - Tolkien Gateway He also gives a lot instead of . [Elrond] took [the map] and gazed long at it, and he shook his head; for if he did not altogether approve of dwarves and their love of gold, he hated dragons and their cruel wickedness, and he grieved to remember the ruin of the town of Dale and its merry bells, and the burned banks of the bright River Running. Its gone! The events of the Third Age, when Thranduil was the ruling king of his people, reveal a strong charismatic, wise leader, who despite his own fears and worries, was able to guide his people, survive hard trials, and emerge in one piece at the end of the age, providing his people with a renewed realm at peace with its neighbors. That, however, was a little delayed, so in the meantime I will tell something of events. "But I have a helm and a hard skull. He fell upon their rear, and broke like a clap of thunder through the ring. Throughout The Hobbit, Bilbo displays the universal message that anyone can develop into a hero. In this case I'd go with s. 2(1) TA 1968 and argue that as long as he believed that he's taking something belonging to the Dwarves, it's not dishonest. Well, er, I thought, dont you know, said Bilbo rather confused, that, er, some little return should be made for your, er, hospitality. The Sackville-Baggins seem to be the only . Gandalf himself supports the view that Thorin is acting as a poor king by keeping the hoard and not dealing it out the those who assisted his travels (something here of hospitality tales and the ideas of xenia). There behind lay Mirkwood, blue in the distance, and darkly green at the nearer edge even in the spring. This is all the more remarkable, since he was a hobbit. A terrible business, and it nearly was disastrous. Bilbo, however, possessed none of those qualities, he was in fact, a Hobbit.

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