do they still make chum gum

    We used to buy two types of gum: Chum Gum and Devil Gum - I think it was made by the same company and was HOT cinnamon flavor. I am looking for a candy from my youth called Pond Scum. Fifty cents would get me a whole bag. How I wish.someone would bring it back before Iam gone. I appreciate Cracker Barrel for selling Clove & Teaberry but they are missing the best gum of all time, i can't believe i miss a GUM so much! . French Chew is very similar. I am 47 also im from RI and I would love to see Chum Gum back on the shelves. Wish it was still made. The candy they make now sucks. We also bought these little rolls of candy called BIZ. Knowing that the Fleer Company was responsible for Chum Gum, lets dive in there just a tad. We would put two pieces in at one time. The area where we lived was not fully developed so there were orange groves, strawberry fields, a chicken farm and a dairy farm. The big secret of Chum Gum's great flavor was that it was stick shaped bubble gum, and each stick was coated with powdered sugar. Wish someone would bring it back. The brand stopped producing Pure Rush energy drinks, South Beach Sunset, 14 Karot but continued . I well remember Chum Gum. I remember Chum Gum, candy lipstick, wax lips and nails and bottles, Chiclets, Turkish Taffy, Fizzies. Chum Gum came out as early as the 1950s from what we can tell and was available until sometime in the 90s. I mean there was really absolutely no reason for this response and I have never had an experience like that at a gas station before or since that one time. No one makes it today and no plans are to bring it back. It would be great if one of the candy companies could duplicate that great flavor. Neisner was a New York based chain of variety stores, and the Racine store was downtown at 424 Main St. I got to get it every weekend at the skating rink in Cleveland they charged 2 sticks for a 5cents. Please? It has brought a big smile to my face reading all these comments S8C. God how I miss that smell and flavor, I swear, if I close my eyes I'm chewing on it now! If I could just go back. I don't understand how many gum companies there are and no one makes it. I loved chum him it was really best gum in my childhood every time is go to cracker barrel and see them about the chum gum but they seem to be clueless I wish we all can find the candy company to see for they can find the original ingredient to ale ch gum and put it back on the market nothing taste the same anymore not even kits and maryjane, I was in a small south eastern colo. town in 1978 and saw that dark blue wrapper. I grew up in Oak Ridge Tn (just outside knoxville) and i never found it at any local stores more than a couple of times. Dixie Rector. WoW! No one remembers these. Chiclets Peppermint Gum. I grew up in Kansas City and had Chum Gum in the 60's. When my Mom passed away, my sister and I were recalling the days when we were kids and unbelievable, but we spoke about the Chum Gum and how we'd fight over that dang stuff! We have red vines, why not Chum Gum Let's ask Mark Summers Host of Unwrapped on the Food network!!!! Can not get it. Love Chum GUM! But I too remember this as the best gum ever2 pieces wrapped together in the white, blue & red wrapper for only 1 penny. I did find a source at the Erie County Fair in Hamburg NY. I used to buy Chum Gum at Mill Creek Country Store in Mill Creek, Georgia, near Dalton- in the mid 70s. I'D BUY ALL HE HAD. Bargain! There was a small corner store three blocks in any direction from my house. I am glad everyone at this site remember it. While this gum could be blown into bubbles, in other respects it was vastly inferior to regular chewing gum, and Blibber-Blubber was never marketed to the public. Fleer was based in Philadelphia at the time. first opened in 1969, closing in 1974 (corporate bankruptcy). Do they still make Beechnut gum? when we were young,my sisters and i would walk 2 miles to a country store in West Virginia to get this gum and nickle candy bars, peanuts and a 10 cent bottle of soda pop that you could return the bottle and get a nickle back.there was also another gum they sold that was two sticks for a penny,it to was pretty good, the name of it was devil gum, it was cinnamon flavored and it come in a red pack, I think the same company made it also made chum gum. The world's most popular autocomplete game. I was a kid in Winston-Salem NC and now I'm 54 and I can vividly remember the taste of Chum Gum. It was the bested ever!! I've NEVER run across anything similar to that in all my years. We miss the memories that are brought back with the familiar smell and taste. I hope they get so many comments of people wanting them around again and they make the decision to sell them again. OMG I cant believe all the others looking for chum gum, I agree the best ever. Tooth decay (dental caries) also may result. 9 Natural Chewing Gums That Are Chemical-Free | Well+Good Do they still make beemans gum? If not, you should find the recipe and redistribute it! I remember when I would go to the Candybar Candy Store in Elmhurst, IL in the 70's to spend my $1 allowance on Chum Gum and cinnamon toothpicks. Any chance they will reintroduce Certs? WOW!!! I have so many sweet memories of the penny candy counter where we could piss off the old lady that woryed there by tapping our quarters on the glass counter top. we will never get or have those in again or something to that effect. The taste was phenomenol,sure wish they would make it again, it was the best. Which was totally bizarre and is why I still remember it 16 years later like it happened yesterday. Is Chum Gum even made any longer? Wish they would bring it back. Ahh good to see so many that remember this one of a kind gum. The memory will fade. Im from Boston and Any time I ask people if they remember chum gum people think Im making it up! I grew up in MA and there was a corner variety right by my elementary school that used to sell Chum Gum. Other people remember "Chum Gum" and the "Happy Hollisters" books. You could smell it if it was in someone's pocket, that's how alluring the scent of it was! THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE WHO FELT THIS WAY ABOUT CHUM GUM. Top Rated Plus. I wish children today could have this wonderful "stuff". I wish it would come back. I got to this page searching for Milkshake Bars. Not the artificial stuff they call cinnamon now, but actual ground cinnamon. There has never been before or after that is better that Chum Gum. However, we know a lot about bubble gum as a whole. We also ate Bonamo Taffy. I remember the gum in pink too but blue was better!!! Let's start a petition to bring back our beloved Chum Gum. They were a brown and white striped hard minty candy on the outside with a softer, chewier finish. THE GOOD OLD DAYS. It was the best. Is this a temporary thing?. In fact, you might be able to say that Dubble Bubble was a spinoff of Chum Gum. Hi, years ago, there was a candy by Brachs called chocolate nut goodies. Anybody remember the Zebra Stripe Gum. I last had it around 1971-72 and purchased it in a little Mom & Pop store off the Fellsway in Medford, MA. I would encourage everyone to email the company to try and bring this gum back. One I believe was called Lollydrops. I thought people forgot the greatest gum ever! I love it! They were a white mint with a green jelly center. I will post the link here when he sends it. This Lane Tech grad (1970) enjoyed this gum for years - and wish some company would re-make it. google_ad_client = "pub-1475700848612418"; Maybe the makers of Chum Gum put a special ingredient to make us want it, kind of like cigarettes or something! Chum Gum was the best! I still remember the anticipation as I opened the wrapper, the powder, the amazing smell and taste. I'm glad to see I still have my memory. PLESE BRING THIS GUM BACK. Almost everyone is sold out of these products and any that would remain would be expired. Still, I often find myself describing the fragrant pink gum in the beautiful blue wrapper, 2 sticks, one for you and one for a chum, hoping someone could remember. I remember going on our summer vacation every year to a cabin in Crosby, MN and the office had a little candy section and we would load up on Chum Gum. Tears filled her eyes as she was just beside herself when we gave it to her. The smell, the taste - best ever. I agree,Chum is the best bubble gum I have ever tasted. Best years of our lives that I will never forget. I'm 58 and can remember getting it when I was little. I also loved Chum Gum and used to buy it in the early '70s. _390- A friend and I in Silver Spring, MD would take my 25 cents allowance (in 1952) and buy about 50 sticks of Chum-Gum and chew all sticks at once to see who could blow the biggest bubbles. Bring back Sqeeze pops, Gatorgum, and especially Whistle pops. I am from Lockport, IL and I, too, couldn't make anyone believe that I remembered Chum Gum! Great memories. Like everyone here I loved Chum Gum and thought I was the only one who remembered it. WILL CHCECK IT OUT AGAIN. I love all of you, my wife thinks I'am nuts. Heres a link to a section of our blog that deals with exactly that, Wacky Wafers! First time I ever bought Chum Gum was 1959 at Szegedi's Candy Store near Birmingham Terrace. Best ever - oh, to go back again! 2 for a penny. Maybe one day! I grew up in Chicago in the Lincoln Park area and bought it at a store called Nick's. This is great that I am not the only one who remembers this gum it was the best ever!! Looked at the ingredients and they now have mixed in synthetic sweeteners and other crap. Stores thought buying it (wholesale) in bulk would generate bigger profits. The flavor lasted ALL DAY. Very spicy. Oh why cant they bring back Chum Gum like they have brought back so many other old time candies?! I last had it around 1971-72 and purchased it in a little Mom & Pop store off the Fellsway in Medford, MA. Was fun reading everybody's memories about Chum Gum and simpler, better times. I still can get Bottle Caps, Laffy Taffy, Now N Laters, Sprees, Nerds and Sweet Tarts. Yum! no one around here remembers it either! I loved it as a kid. Loved Chum Gum, lived on High School Road Indianapolis 1964-1969,most people I asked about it have never heard of it, good to know I wasn't was the best..those were the days. (November 2022) A package of Dentyne Classic gum Dentyne Chewing Gum ad on a Model 63 Closed Delivery Wagon by Pope Waverley electrics in 1907 Dentyne ( / dntin /) is a brand of chewing gum available in several countries globally. lol. In the 1990s, Skittles came in the form . Only cough drop I like, only cough drop I will use. Worst decision to make on candy maker. My Chum Gum memory is from the sixties. I thought I was the only one that had this gum and for a while I began to think it was all in my head. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Snack History participates in the Amazon Associate and WalMart Partner Network programs and receives earnings from qualifying purchases. Thor was my favorite. I had a collection of about 15 though. It takes me back to a time when life was simple. Unfortunately, from what we could find, it seems like Chum Gum fell out of the spotlight because so much focus was turned to Dubble Bubble by the company. Nothing else compares! My childhood friend and I have been reminiscing about Chum Gum for 40 years now--truly the BEST gum EVER! They would kill the market and make a lot of us so happy. And I swear as God is my witness that my first reaction was OMG, this stuff tastes just like CHUM GUM!!! My wife and I were able to enjoy a couple of packages of Brachs Red Twists shortly after that. It was the best gum ever made. Please help I love them. My brother and I would return bottles for Grandma to the store. I think I may be the only one who remembers these! While its no longer here, you can reminisce with Dubble Bubble and appreciate the time it was here and successful. Our old homestead is under H2/0 so sad. BEST GUM EVER. The absolute best bubblegum ever! $19.99. I lived in Cheverly, Maryland 64-74, we would collect soda bottles to cash in and buy candy at 7-11. I miss them more than any food product. Bring it back !!! Chum Gum - made in the 1960s/70s.

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