john h francis polytechnic high school yearbook 2001

    Row#130 Compiled by Stephanie Stassel and Michael Jose Torra. Tennessee Tech (c1950) Yearbook Austin Packard Farrar (1913-2004) Inventor Of The Pulpit On Modern Yachts Slide Rule Yearbook, University Of Manitoba Canada, Apr 1959 - Mechanical Engineering Graduate. Constance Babington Smith With Slide Rule from Women of Intelligence Ms. Smith was credited with finding the Nazi V2 Rocket site in photos, that lead to the end of WWII in Germany. 1956.Getty Images The 20in (50cm) model is shown here. 350 - chip tells a computer what to display on the table top. 100 - Slide Rule circ 1805 and invented the Rotary Steam Engine, Bolton Library portrait. 600 - Anniversary, Award, Birth, Death, Diagnosis, Engagement, Graduation, Walter A.Paulson, Dupont Ad *Francis Ouimet- Warriors Award- Ouimet started up golf program as a 15-year old student, calling themselves the "Piddleywinks." At the age of 20, he shocked the world by winning the US Open at the Country Club. The large circular slide rule on MIT Tech Talk - Deborah Douglas shows slide rules in MIT Museum 850 - Complete story Chemistry In Action, D.C. Heath Co. Boston 1958 50 - Canada Row#111 500 - 800 - Giovanni Battista Caproni 1886-1957 Italian Aeronautical Engineer and founder of The Caproni Aircraft Mfg. Row#172 150 - which was made by Gulf students in Mr. Marchman's trig class. "The Cosmic Man"1959 Movie showing Slide Rules Courtesy of Paul Holdsworth RCA Airborne Systems Laboratory Meeting with analysts: Ms. Maurice Hellman, Harris Safran, Homer Eckhardt and Edward Wallner. 250 - Row#053 Wernher von Braun and a Disney Specialist With Slide Rule discuss the Ionic SpaceShip concept, a fleet of which is suppossed to fly to Mars to colonize the planet. Electrical Engineering Student, Slide Rule Sleeve Next To Book Norwich Union, Fullers in use (can you find them all?) Ref: Wikipedia 300 - Thomas D. Mcavoy Photo Dr. Eugen Snger confers with mathematician 450 - 1908 Giant Cylindrical Slide Rule comprising two wheels with scales on the outside edge. Lockheed Aircraft - Flight Deck Of Constellation, Flight Engineer With Slide Rule. Women Engineer With 20inch Duplex Slide Rule 200 - University Of Toronto Skule Yearbook 1960 pg56 - Two Engineering Physics Students spotted Holding Slide Rule Victor Almde Mannheim 1864-1901 Texas A&M,Cushing Memorial Library Archives. System Wern IWA1638. Denver Post, Getty Images. Univ of Cincinnati Computer Science EOP Newest Belmont High School Class of 2006 Miriam Aguilar. Bravos MIT Students circa1960, 13May2016 50 - Slide rules in action (footage circa 1960) on TV during the 2010 program Modern Marvels Episode:"The Grid" Cliff Stoll on the YouTube channel "Numberphile" , with his electrified demo slide rule made by Claridge Products. Hash & Moon Article Looks good!" 750 - Chemical Engineering Department, shows Slide Rule Electrical Machines Class, Students with slide rules, presumed to be at Howard University in Washington, DC. The Michigan Technic Nov, 1956. Thistle Yearbook 1950 pg66. NJIT Nucleus 1950 Yearbook - Professional Societies Chapter Page. Dr. Harvey White, 1958 NBC TV show Continental Classroom We had the best 50th reunion with the most attendees ever! Classreport holds a special place in the hearts of our users: Slice Of MIT - "Bringing 1916 to 2016: Slide Rules" Video. UTO Factory Article (Danish) contributed by IJ Schuitema In February 1957, Polytechnic moved to its present site in the San Fernando Valley and opened its doors to new students for the then fast growing suburb. 10/4/2017, "Thanks to our class website played a huge part in the success of our Reunion. Joe Miner, long time Mascot of the Missouri University Of Science And Technology (was Univ of Missouri-Rolla). Pipe Smoking Student With Slide Rule. The Eagle 1965 Yearbook, Stephen F. Austin High School. University of Tasmania Demo SR Brewer's Gauging Rule Carioca 1950 Yearbook, Seniors: Wiczek and Stekley Drexel University Yearbooks 1935-1956 The Michigan Technic Dec 1942. Row#023 Jump to Image # collector. Lieutenant Lou Fuller;Department Chief Bernard Caldwell;Sergeant D.C McCauley;Chief W.M Parker.California; USA. Faber-Castell, 1997 Article: A Slide Rule Was An Everyday Tool 1938 Fleet Aircraft At Fort Erie, Ontario, Canada Frederic (1900-1958) and Irene (1897-1956) Joliot-Curie, daughter and son-in-law of Marie Curie Ben-Nejat and Turkish Friends with Aristo Studio Slide Rules (1967) Netherlands. Teaching_Mathematics c1957 Row#039 Photo By Dorothy Boyer, Hienz History Center, Pittsburgh, PA. Lamme accepted a job as an engineer with the Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Company in 1893. Colorado State University Mountain Scholar K&E Duplex With Column Cursor. Oklahoma Times newspaper (1959) Jack R. Porter, winner of mathematics scholarship. 250 - Coalition Warfare: An Anthology of Scholarly Presentations at the Series 04 Episode 03 Uprising (Blackout after EMP pulse) - "Our Only Hope Is The Professors Slide Rule?" Westinghouse Engineer, January 1946 ( 126. HP Archives. Scan by Eric Mancotte Sir Frederick Handley Page (1885-1962). You have benefitted so many high school alumni in organizing their class reunions." 10/4/2017 "Thanks to our class website played a huge part in the success of our Reunion. Daily Oklahoman newspaper (1955) The most attractive slide rule manipulator in the office of a large Oklahoma City engineering firm is Miss Betty Jackson. Actual historic photos with Admiral Rickover and a KE Slide Rule Next To Clock. Use our online Genealogy Resource to uncover history quickly! 350 - NJIT Nucleus 1951 Yearbook - College Of Engineering Matchbook. This site is to be operated by members of our class. Students Calculate Height Of wood pile for a Bonfire at 24min RST (German Speaking Slide Rule Collectors) Meeting (2005) Hamburg's Museum, Germany MTU graduate John R. Baker, BSME Class Of 1971, took this photo of his eldest son holding a classmate's slide rule. 1958 John H. Francis Polytechnic High School Yearbook. Made by St. Joseph High School Radio Club Navy Radio School Shows Sailor with Giant Demonstration Slide Rule. 950 - George Bousfield (1856-1902) c1887_Vade Mecum Slide Rule Richard Marianis Calculus Essay Class (c1957) 850 - 600 - Polytechnic High School Alumni Class List. west ranch high school famous alumni - Professor Evan Being Knighted by Engineering Students With A Giant Slide Rule. Richard Arredondo, Lonnie Atkinson, Mr. Weldon (Sponsor) 300 - Roger Wayne's Instagram, Twitter & Facebook on IDCrawl Pg19 Fortune Magazine, United Engineers, Artist:Stanley Meltzoff Row#052 Class of 2001 Class of 2002 Class of 2003 Class of 2004 Class of 2005 Class of 2006 Class of 2007 Class of 2008. Drexel Spartan 1939,pg49 - Electrical Engineering Student With Slide Rule 200 - "Stories of Research" featuring Dr. W.C. Johnston. Nida Balsys featured in There Aren't Many Cute Girl Engineers The Mirror News at State College. pg23 books, movies, music, 1968 Yearbook Math Club. 1989 John H. Francis Polytechnic High School Yearbook, 1988 John H. Francis Polytechnic High School Yearbook, 1987 John H. Francis Polytechnic High School Yearbook, 1986 John H. Francis Polytechnic High School Yearbook, 1985 John H. Francis Polytechnic High School Yearbook, 1984 John H. Francis Polytechnic High School Yearbook, 1983 John H. Francis Polytechnic High School Yearbook, 1982 John H. Francis Polytechnic High School Yearbook, 1981 John H. Francis Polytechnic High School Yearbook, 1979 John H. Francis Polytechnic High School Yearbook, 1978 John H. Francis Polytechnic High School Yearbook, 1977 John H. Francis Polytechnic High School Yearbook, 1976 John H. Francis Polytechnic High School Yearbook, 1972 John H. Francis Polytechnic High School Yearbook, 1971 John H. Francis Polytechnic High School Yearbook, 1970 John H. Francis Polytechnic High School Yearbook, 1968 John H. Francis Polytechnic High School Yearbook, 1967 John H. Francis Polytechnic High School Yearbook, 1966 John H. Francis Polytechnic High School Yearbook, 1965 John H. Francis Polytechnic High School Yearbook, 1964 John H. Francis Polytechnic High School Yearbook, 1963 John H. Francis Polytechnic High School Yearbook, 1962 John H. Francis Polytechnic High School Yearbook, 1960 John H. Francis Polytechnic High School Yearbook, 1959 John H. Francis Polytechnic High School Yearbook, 1958 John H. Francis Polytechnic High School Yearbook, 1955 John H. Francis Polytechnic High School Yearbook, 1953 John H. Francis Polytechnic High School Yearbook, 1942 John H. Francis Polytechnic High School Yearbook, John H Francis Polytechnic High School Alumni, Marian Colbert School For Individual Inst, Walter A Maier Memorial Lutheran High School. 150 - 1000 - Polytechnic High School Yearbook Class of 1987 118 images, 1725 students, 12 faculty. They are using a Nestler Fluggeschwindigkeit slide rule for computations. 150 - 350 - Crick And Watson (1953) by Antony Barrington Brown Please support this site with your voluntary contributions. If you would like to make an appointment to view any of these yearbooks, please contact Javier Rios. Bill Roe later helped to found the National Association of Rocketry (NAR#13). Reginald Aubrey Fessenden (1866-1932)1st Two way Transatlantic communication 400 - Row#055 Valedictorians - Los Angeles Times H.Armstrong Roberts Photo 850 - The huge Zeppelin slide rule, made by Albert Nestler is on desk. 900 - Student Taking a Math Test With a Pickett Demonstration Slide Rule on his desk. 800 - Mechanical Engineering Student, Class Of 1967 Yearbook Slide Rule, pg 42 University Of Manitoba, Canada "In Numbers There Is Strength." Kudos to you and your staff. Marly Van Leer Peck, The Lady Engineer (1957_Life) ClassTraQ 11.003 Software Copyright 2003 - 2017 Kudos to you and your staff. Betty Lou Bailey (1929-2007), Mechanical engineer, worked for 44 years at General Row#145 Oak Park, Chicago, Illinois. Westinghouse Engineer C.R. Her thesis, An Analysis of Tests of a Westinghouse Railway Generator, familiarized her with the company. Row#146 150 - "The Good Place" TV Series. 650 - 350 - John H. Francis Polytechnic High School - Class of 2004 - ISRG Archive of sightings (Rod Lovett), Bringing 1916 to 2016: Slide Rules [VIDEO]. Row#008 "Radio Slide Rule" Measurement Charts. ASME composite of photos Research Project X-15 Video from 1964 20-inch K&E Slide Rule with sleeve In Front Of Instrument Panel. Original Page Sam Cohen holds up a Vatican Peace (for War) Medal for inventing the neutron bomb (for Peace), given to him by Pope John Paul I. Carnegie Institute Of Technology. Provided by Andreas Fassbender Row#129 MIT students studying in dorm room (1956) Student Navigator Plotting a Course, Kelley Field, TX (1942) Thistle Yearbook 1940 pg52. 1969. 100 - (Children being shown a demonstration Aristo 903LL slider rule) Thank You! Calculating by slide rule (EPA 1973) Archive Research Catalog J?n Nestler (Great Grandson of Albert Nestler) Slide rule in use (1950) Aeronatical Systems Center From an article published April 21, 2010 by David Brooks Nashua Telegraph Uchida Yoko Corporation Museum's innovative Projection Table. 300 - 700 - Row#010 NJIT Nucleus 1951 Yearbook Newark College Of Engineering - Student With Two Slide Rules Connected. Crick And Watson (1953) by Antony Barrington Brown Row#166 950 - Row#082 Target For Today A 1944 8th Air Force Bombing Video - Minite 8:00 - Weather Planning Bombing Raid Over Germany, Slide Rule In Hand Slide Rule Presented To Amarillo Student - National Engineers Week - Amarillo-Globe-Times, 25 Feb 1960 appear in other gallery pages within ISRM. Slide Rule On Table. ROTC Students Studying With Slide Rule And Books Kitty O'Brien Joyner, civil and electrical engineer at the Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory from 1939 to 1971, posing with her slide rule in front of a wind tunnel turbine. A Gold Star indicates The League of the Physically Handicapped in New York was organized in May 1935 to end discrimination by the WPA against the physically handicapped unemployed. Please support this site with your voluntary contributions. 700 - Air Navigation by Herbert S. Zim, 1943 US Army Pilots Doing Dead Reckoning Flight Planning WW2 Radar Research Museum Display. Kudos to you and your staff. pg24 Row#110 From a Cleveland Institute of Electronics correspondence school Pamphlet (1969) "First Man Into Space"1959 Movie. Indicator In Use from The Steam Engine by John Perry (1902) McMillan & Co 2001 students. Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) in Salon 1886, Dujardin Catalog 1928 Student Navigator communicating flight data to pilot, Kelley Field, TX (1942) 600 - Brother, Spouse, Son, Daughter, Friend . 450 - Row#191 Row#095 100 - Thistle Yearbook 1942 pg10. 650 - There are no fees required for participation on this site. Row#185 EOP Newest British Aviation Engineers With 20in Slide Rule WWII - Clash Of Wings 9of13 at 5min10sec 150 - 700 - Electronic Engineeering 1958 G&E Bradley Ad 700 - 950 - It was very helpful. EOP Newest NJIT Nucleus 1950 Yearbook - Robert Ross Holds Slide Rule And Papers At Blackboard. 700 - Griff The Invisable 2011 Movie. The 10in (25cm) model is shown here. The list of names is also useful for getting together a John H Francis Polytechnic High School reunion if you don't have a complete list of the students from your graduating class of Two Hands Holding Slide Rule over Drafting Table. Row#070 Submitted by Nancy Morris, who gifted his collection to ISRM. - Engineering Drawing Students With Slide Rules John Wesley Cell SlideRule (1960) NCSU Classreport, Inc. All Rights Reservede1 150 - for every graduating class of every high school . 100 - 950 - Crick And Watson (1953) by Antony Barrington Brown 750 - The meter made fire prediction easy and accessible, with consistent results. 1966. French Slide Rule Collectors in 2010,Orsay, France. Find Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and TikTok profiles, images and more on IDCrawl. ASEE-2010 Police work is made possible by this Slide Rule which resulted in the capture of an armed robbery suspect. "Slide Rule Charlie" Charles Lepchinsky GWU c1950 More about Kalishnikove Toussaint (died 2019), Sigismond Kmiecik, and Olivier Cassou (died 2017) Polytechnic High School . Send me your pictures! Are you planning a reunion and need assistance? Hughes Fellows Warren Mathews, Art Bryson, Robert Bennet, Allen Puckett. John H. Francis Polytechnic High School - Wikipedia Drexel Lexerd 1939 pg97 - Military Student With Slide Rule 150 - (courtesy of Bryan Purcell and peter Hopp) William A.Howard, NBC Engineering Development. TechAlum Newsletter March 20, 2018. NJIT Nucleus 1945 Yearbook - Student With Slide Rule. MIT Tech Talk June 1977.Beaver Mascot at 25th reunion, holds Slide Rule Engineers: Louis Meyer, Leo Goossen and Dale Drake Search and browse yearbooks online! 300 - Electronics Illustrated Magazine 100 - The goal is to simply British RAF liaison officers at US 8th Air Force Bomber Command (1942) Mike Konshak shows current and past technology for Louisville Times Women Engineers at Illinois Bell telephone (c1955) VIEW ALL, I made the horrible mistake of leaving Cali for the Ozark Mts. Jrgen Nestler (Right) stands next to Mayor (left) of Lahr, Germany. Drexel Lexerd 1935 pg108 - Mens Sophmore Class, Clowning With Slide Rules 700 - 250 - Ruxton Multi-Vider Ad Popular Science 1929 2002 Classic Racer BSA Team At IOM-TT 1921 No Slide Rules Graffiti on wall Essay in microfilm, Row#149 Pickup at Boeing Co., Seattle (1968), Past Society of Women Engineers (SWE) President "The Day Earth Stood Still" - 1951 Movie. "The Dial Comes To Town" - Bell Telephone Film Introduces the operation of the dial telephone to customers in 1940. Officer Holds Slide rule at 13min paid for by the Gold Star classes. J.F. Engineering Mechanics Class, Jump to Image # Circular Slide Rule In Left Hand Author Griff Borgeson slide rules out some test figures. Pratt And Whitney Aircraft Ad US Naval Academy TheLOG Oct 9,1970 Midshipmen Peter Devos With Sliderule. Enter your Family News Item choosing from our pre-defined categories: 400 - Joshua Routledge (1773-1829)created the Routledge Engineer's Dr. Katherine Blodgett, GE scientist who invented invisible anti-glare glass (1948 Life) 500 - November 1959 Movie Sky Captain World Of Tomorrow (2004), Engineer Dex (Giovanni Ribisi) with Navigation Slide Rule (E6-B). Drexel Spartan 1949 pg78 "Life At Drexel" - Slide Rule In Test Frame Row#117 Pg78 Charles O. Vogt, left, presents prize to John A. Krimmel. 350 - pg18, Jump to Image # 500 - 800 - A Blue Star indicates Rickover led the design of the Nautilas, the first Nulear Submarine. Xavier Theurillat - Inventor Of The Astronomic Slide Rule. University Of Toronto Skule Yearbook 1960 pg64 Chemical Engineering Student Holds Sliderule (close up) The women of the Computer Department at NACA High-Speed Flight Research Station are shown busy with test flight Pittsburg, Kansas How to Post Your Reunion Announcement National Council Of Reserve Officers In Brazil c1940 with free access for all. Gerald Stancey UKSRC 1956 Richard Smith Hughes UKSRC, Chief Designer Of Shrike Missile Electronics 300 - Georgia Tech Alumni House Display. Applied Observation Of Fire MKVI c1902-03 450 - (contributed by Brian Mack) Signal Corps Photo. Eleanor Greiner - Lady Chemical Engineering Studentfeatured in article She Proves Skill In Man's Realm Sunday Bulletin. and Thomas Ypsilantis, members of the team that discovered the antiproton and future wife Irene Bredt in their WWII about the development of the United States power grid. NJIT Nucleus 1955 NCE Yearbook - Engineering Students With Slide Rules. Carrollton HS, TX (1960) Slide Rule Clubs Page 128 Picture 2 550 - I just wanted to thank you and thought you should know how useful it is as it's made collecting information a lot easier." Slide Rule Under Arm Row#176 Keisan Team Slide Rule, Kanazawa Municiple Technical High School, Japan Radio Controlled Mobile Slide Rule. Samuel T. Cohen - Inventor Of The Neutron (Fusion) Bomb with Slide Rule And Vatican Peace Medal. Carnegie Institute Of Technology. The Eagle 1969 Yearbook, Stephen F. Austin High School Page 141 - Math and Slide Rule Club. Sponsored by American Institute of Industrial Engineers week. CityandspecialadministrativeregionofChinaSpecialadministrativeregioninPeoplesRepublicofChinaHongKongHongKong Officer Demonstrating Slide Rule For Field Calculations. The memorials below are for students of John H Francis Polytechnic High School that have passed away. Westinghouse Engineer, July1 1947 Detail 250 - 200 - 7/6/2017, "Thank you very much for having a great site, we rely on it to keep info flowing to our classmates and use the tools to make the Reunion Committee jobs easier!" Hoboken (New Jersey) Historical Museum, pg61 Support. This is a photo off the TV screen, of a photo in RAH's personal album. UK Meteorologists with Plottin Board, Pilot Balloon Slide Rule Releasing Weather Balloon Photo by SSPL/Getty Images This site is to be operated by members of our class. EOP Newest Francoise Piolina featured in article at Caltech Aeronatical Engineering. Row#159 1964-68 TV Series Voyage To The Bottom Of The Sea with actor Richard Basehart 2006 Ch4 TV Series On Returning To Old Fashioned Teaching Methods Carnegie Institute Of Technology. John H. Francis Polytechnic High School - Class of 1969 - Photo By Ted Flander, 1959 1987 Los Angeles High School Yearbook. 7/21/2017, "We had our 50th reunion in June. Slide Rule in Airport Control Tower, Shown in TV Series Project_Blue_Book on the History Channel Hanna, Designer of the Exponential Horn. This is an alternate reality of what if the Russians got to the moon first. John H. Francis Polytechnic High School - Class of 1980 - Engineers In Defense Theme for the Slide Rule Ball - The Michigan Diary, March 1942 Aristo Quality Control 1972 Brochure 7/10/2017, "I want to thank you for running this site! Military Student Receives Slide Rule Contest Award - Cushing Museum at Texas A and M In the 116 year history of the Nobel Prize in Physics, only two women have won the award; Marie Curie (1903) and Maria Mayer (1963). Dr. Robert Goddard (1882-1954) American Rocketry Pioneer Ivanov, Assoc V.K. 950 - 350 - Row#094 A Green Star indicates Painter unknown. Row#154 1000 - NJIT Nucleus 1953 NCE Yearbook - Students With Slide Rule. TOP - The Michigan Technic Mar, 1958. the Dutch artist Carel Willink (1900-1983). 600 - Thistle Yearbook 1941 pg38. Engineer leaning on post holds a slide rule. He stands in the nose of a 1915 Ca.32 photo contributed by Alessandro Scallini Classreport, Inc. All Rights Reservede1 Engineers And Lawyers Balls, Slide Rule Ball - The Michigan Diary, March 1940 An identification badge and a slide rule that belonged to Manhattan Project scientist Glenn Seaborg is part of the Paul Frame collection of atomic memorbilia. The Eagle 1967 Yearbook, Stephen F. Austin High School Page 49 - Math and Slide Rule Club. 1902 Georgia Tech Indicating Textile Engine.Students Work With Slide Rule And Planimeter. With T-square, a slide rule and her daughter Jody, Mickey Gates Maker, lays Out pages for the Alpha Gamma Delta Quarterly. Many of these donated by the ISRM. Sir Stanley Hooker (1907-1984) On Right with John Heniott and Frank Whittle (c1942 ) Want to find out what hairstyle was popular in the 1920s? "Shoplifter" 1975 Public Service Announcement Film. Drawn By T.Thulstrup 1892 Contributed by Alessandro Scalini Slide Rule Scenes From the Movie Apollo 13 - Watch for slide rules NJIT Nucleus 1950_Yearbook - Mechanical Engineering Student with Slide Rule On Desk. Bringing 1916 to 2016: Slide Rules [VIDEO] NJIT Nucleus 1943 Yearbook Seniors - Bernard M. Saffian with slide rule in inset. Contributed by Marvin Clarence Iowa State Slide Rule Class (1934) 350 - Row#153 1903. Dr. Lyman Spitzer, Jr. (1914-1997) Astrophysicist, Princeton. 750 - Drexel Spartan 1950 pg54-55 - Evening Tech School, Mechanical Engineers With Slide Rules Senior Sergeant Mikhail Kalashnikov (Kalasnyikov) working on the AK-47 assault rifle's design at a drafting board. document his Westinghouse Science Talent Search project in 1961. Contributed by Alessandro Scalini. Opening day of Nestler Exhibit. See more at the Nevil Shute Norway virtual museum. 300 - Thistle Yearbook 1941 pg62. Alfred University (1961) Photo By George Lane VIEW ALL. 5/5/2018, "THANKYOU so much for handling this for us! NASA engineers Alphonso Stewart, left; Ken Iliff, center; and Dale Reed, right; were part of the Langley center's X-15 lifting body aircraft study group. 450 - The Dish Movie (2000) Slide Rule Images. Linus Pauling 20 inch Slide Rule. Apollo 13 Mission Control (NASA), There are no fees required for participation on this site. - Free Online Yearbooks The interior of the glass envelope of Capsule I was filled with nitrogen, whereas Capsule II was filled with the inert gas, argon. Getty Images, January 1925. The insurance broker switched to ARAG in response to customer feedback. TOP - Mannheim Slide Rule With Architectural Books 700 - 7/14/2017, "My name is Debbie and I'm a teacher. 500 - I came across your page while searching for information about genealogy for an upcoming student project. All funding is through voluntary contributions. at 15Min 30sec (Germany) Page Hits: 3,496, Stay Tuned to This Space for Reunion Details! Military Training With Demonstration Slide Rule "Destroy All Monsters" - 1969 Japanese Movie showing Scientist (or military officer) Reading Slide Rule at Minute 39:50 If you haven't already, we also encourage you to register for free on this site. EOP Newest 950 - Carrollton HS, TX, Slide Rule and Alpha-Omega Clubs (1959) Page 76 Picture 2 EOP Newest, Jump to Image # Thistle Yearbook 1946 pg176. 600 - "First Man Into Space" 1959 Movie. University Of Minnisota Bisbila Student Yearbook, 1961 pg91. CEI was founded by Carl Smith in 1934, and he patented the Auto-Programmed method of learning. Marie Smith, lab technician at Billings Hospital in Chicago (1942-44) using a K&E 4053-5 20 inch long slide rule. classes. Search for Classmates, Friends, and Family in one. Deborah Douglas, MIT Museum Curator,13May2016 Radio Electronics magazine The Michigan Technic Dec, 1951. 750 - Those fantasies never quite turn out as we imagine in our heads.

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