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    An Aries stellium, for instance, might be driven to be even more independent, and would perhaps excel in an arena that would bring the native fame. birth chart Physical Appearance and Astrology. A strong, upright bone structure paired with quick movements is characteristic of Aries rising. Thick, light hair, prone to balding; clear skin, striking eyebrows . virgo Still, in spite of this, there are moments where they can expose a part of themselves that you never knew was there. 10th house -Having a stellium in the tenth house will give you a solid foundation on which to stand. A Virgo stellium will show someone who seeks out perfectionism and organization through their home and family. You can find your ascendant by going to this website Rising Aries Rising Taurus Rising Gemini Rising Cancer Rising Leo Rising Virgo Rising Libra Rising Scorpio Rising Sagittarius Rising Capricorn Rising Aquarius They will usually have full cheekbones, plump lips, almond shaped eyes, attractive smiles and luscious hair. They suppress their voice a lot and dont speak up so that they dontmake any mess socially or emotionally, and can be really hard on themselves in that way. You may catch them staring at their own expressions in the mirror, busy analyzing perceived flaws, but only when they think no ones looking. It could be that theyre very practical and always let you know how practical they are. The "what do you do" question can cause them to really light up and become engaged. The skin and hair is usually dark. Your ascendant signor "rising sign"is the zodiac sign that was ascending the eastern horizon at the time you were born. They are not afraid of being in opposition with anyone (Aries/Mars being the God of War) so when they disagree with something you said or did, you will FEEL it especially if youre a Water sign they wont make the effort to hide their facial expression, or posture or anything of that nature. Smart cookies O_o. They seem very nice and friendly but just as indifferent or distant. The skin is a pale color, but can tan. For more info about what a stellium is see my post here. The 1st House or the Ascendant is the sign rising over the eastern horizon at the time of birth. The Cancer Appearance. Id guess its because the majority of the time, a Leo rising will have fierce, loving, protective and loyal Scorpio in the 4th house of home, family, and the heart space. The decans are divided into 3 sections of 10 degrees each, into a total of 30 degrees. Extra points for talk of a split personality or alter ego. Check the sign. Ascendant/Rising Signs and your appearance & style. Taurus ascending usually gives harmonious facial traits (full sensual lips, They frequently possess high foreheads. The sign the stellium is in will indicate what image the person wants to show others. They may find it harder to excel in business or on a societal level. Are us cancers the least attractive water sign. Sign Quality Differentiation by base outlines (as outlined by master astrologer John Willner): Just because someone has a fifth house stellium does not automatically mean they are an artistic, theater-type person. Square faces and short necks. A certain shyness is usually present but they are so giving and personable that they can seem more outgoing than they are. Aamir Khan, Tiger Shroff, and Alia Bhatt are a few famous personalities belonging to Pisces zodiac sign. An Aquarius stellium in the sixth house will manifest as someone who is always there for their friends, or who works tirelessly to help humanity in general. ascendant/"rising sign": what people see when they meet you for the first time. the lower lip is full and may stick out a little,the nose is round-shaped or turned up, (Observe the effect that each rising sign has on these Taurus individuals. There is an energy of eagerness, empathy, and naivety to these natives. western astrology The face is often neutral, either always blank or always smiling, making it easy to project on to them. But, the ones over the age of thirty or thirty-five are far more confident and at ease with themselves. Regardless, there is a clear restlessness or high-strung energy that is present. The rising sign, or ascendant sign, is the zodiacal sign and degree that was ascending on the eastern horizon at the specific time and location of your birth. So thats the end of my post on my observations about the Rising signs Subscribe to my YT Channel for videos on Astrology :), https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRlHfp9V-Re62OmTwh5SROg, astrology Aquarius stelliums will have unique, devils advocate style ideas and will enjoy bucking the social norm as they communicate. TL;DR: "Your rising sign blends with your Sun and Moon signs to give you a more accurate snapshot of your personality," says astrologer Taanaz Chubb, author of My Pocket Mantras and founder of . The Decans of Sagittarius. Most undoubtedly possess Taurus qualities with a noticeable blend of his or her rising sign.) CONTENT TAKEN FROM:http://mysticlivingtoday.com/view_page.php?ID=920. Of course out of the kindness of their Venusian hearts as well, but also just for peace. In this guide, we have listed all Leo ascendant traits. AQUARIUS risings, Ive noticed are really good at knowing how to get a rise out of people and also knowing EXACTLY how people are going to react to what theyll say or do. rising signs + appearance. Square faces and short necks. In fact, much of their conversation can revolve around work. Scorpio: It is how others first perceive you, and how you present yourself to the world. Capricorn:Capricornascending Virgo ascendants are different from the regular crowd in terms of appearance. They like big ticket issues and enjoy thinking about things on a grand, Uranian scale. This oppositional energy will create someone who rejects the idea of partnership and who will sometimes overcompensate by asserting their individuality at any cost. Pisces: Overall, all people with second house stelliums are focused in the material realm, and many like nice possessions, a well-kept house, and being in touch with their bodies through art, sports or dance. The ascendant changes zodiac signs about every two hours. To find your dominant planet, go here. This will be a major goal in the natives life. ascending usually gives expressive facial traits (Well shaped high forehead, the nose is often very long and straight, sparkly and small eyes, usually dark colored, puffy eyes) , thin lips, bony face, etc.). You have the physical qualities of a noble Ram and you stand proudly. Once Capricorn risings get past their discomfort, they will appear fresh and warm. They are just always being honest about their shortcomings and the work they need to do, including on themselves. 5th house -Theatrical dramatics are present in those with fifth house stelliums. Aquariusascending In fact, they may overdo it just a bit. Also naturally slim and agile, and even if there is weight gain, they just seem like they should be tall and thin, even when theyre not. The sign of justice ruled by sweet Venus, Libra risings are pleasant to be around, fair, and naturally attractive to others. The face can be placid and mysterious but the expression can also turn scary or creepy without warning. Posted by Wayman Stewartto visit his new site click here. Id imagine that the Geminis in question would be Rohini Nakshatra in Vedic astrology, which is described by astrologers asbabylike and wanting to experience bliss all the time much like babies do. Cancer: Frequently they can look somewhat fragile, but surprise you with their physical strength. AQUARIUS RISING The uniqueness of those with this placement is most noticeable. usually gives strong, feline-like facial traits (thick and long aquilineor flat nose, thick proeminent eyebrows, almond shaped eyes warmed colored, cat like look, wide forehead, wide face, large mouth with thin lips, etc). This is merely a reference post, please ask for more clarification. Prominent forehead with thick eyebrows that accentuate the bridge of the nose. Correlations in rising sign appearance These are just commonalities in the appearance of people with the same rising sign, of course you may have a Leo rising and not look exactly like any of the people portrayed in the post but that's because 1) aspects to your ascendant and the rest of the chart effects appearance to! Possible birthmarks or other scars on the face or head. Other times, they just refuse to budge. These folks, with the 6th-12th house opposition in place, will have a much more relaxed attitude and may be more go with the flow than their sixth house stellium peers. Direct eye contact is this signs hallmark, they are never shifty eyed. Sharp features, prominent cheekbones and noses, are common, some what similar to that of a bird of prey. But, there is still something irresistibly warm and lovable about them. They get things done, and know the best path to take to get the most work done. They often have dreamy, lightly shaded eyes, naturally straight and lightly shaded hair with finely-chiseled, attractive facial features, and lovely profiles. Upon first impression, they may not be able to stop laughing or making jokes. They seek out connection wherever they go, and while it may not always be a romantic partner they are trying to find, they still are looking for a partner in anything they do. focus drawn to eyes and nose; eyebrows and/or eyes can seem harsh, nose can be long and/or aquiline. Aries, you may retain youthfulness throughout your life, probably due to your swift and constant walking. It seems as if theyre constantly crossing things off their bucket list. They have a symmetrical physique and their gait is controlled and careful. In the latter case, it gets expressed as aggressive extroversion or toughness that obviously act as a cover for something else. It means you could be any zodiac sign, but Leo in your 1st house at the time of your birth makes you a Leo ascendant. It is a sense of being weird and fully accepting it. usually givesgentle, delicate facial traits ( petite delicate nose, clear and bright eyes, delicate and symmetrical lips, teeth like pearls, wide forehead, narrow V shaped chin etc.). These people give off a feeling of energy, even when at rest. On the opposing end, someone with a Virgo stellium in the fifth house would express themselves a bit more subtly, and would work very hard on their individual creative contributions. Women may have big breast. They can be very picky about aesthetics especially! They do also behave like immovable objects. They have artistic fingers and dreamy eyes that charm everyone. They can be short to tall. In males, the Adam's apple is pronounced. 1st house -A first house stellium will make a person focused on their own self identity and how they project that into the world. Theyre like baby horses, just trying to find their footing so they can grow up to be a magnificent racehorse.Openness and friendliness show in the Archers face and posture. The thing is that they do it in the sweetest or most reasonable way and you may feel silly for trying to sway them. In astrology, you will commonly read that your Ascendant (ASC) or Rising Sign describes your appearance. Alterations to the normal patterns will only be partial and happen when the ruler of the correct Ascendant sign is conjunct or parallel a planet of differing element; when planets of a differing element are in the first house (such as Taurus rising with Sun in Gemini in 1st house); when there is a heavy concentration of planets in a differing element, especially if angular, but of the house that is not the native house of the sign on the Ascendant. There is something very precise, specific, and detailed about how they speak, even though nervous tension and over-analyzing can distinctly throw off their articulate nature, at times. Also known as the ascendant, the rising sign in your natal birth chart is how others see you, sort of like the mask you wear and how you present yourself to the world. Aries Rising may be with a darker/tanner skin coloring and there may be scars or marks about the head. You are not only your rising sign! Sagittarius: gemini Virgoascending The Decans of Pisces. Also, they have a way of slowing things down, which manifests to the way they actually speak. It is something that makes us act a certain way and feel a certain way. If they dont say it directly, they make an impression by thinking or doing things in a way that few people do, if anyone. In any case, there is a sense of them cutting through the bullshit and being real, as well as calling out someone else for some offense. These people know how to charm others and to convey the image they want into the world. Its not that Western placements are untrue, but my theory is that Western is showing us the physical world since it is showing us the sky as it is from Earth, but Vedic is showing us the non-physical. aries The native here will enjoy learning, philosophy and travel as a means to discover new things. cancer Your rising sign is often referred to as the front door to your chart, because it is a symbol of your personality, your soul's motivation, your physical appearance, and so much more. Observations about the rising signs from the eyes of a Scorpio Rising watching you all from the corner with x-ray vision O_o jk xD. According to astrologer Liz Greene, during our time in the womb, the universe is simply the self. One is the sign rising, and the other is the position and condition of the ruler of that sign in the chart. Leo: Neptunian energy is strong here. They are often too humble for that. In any case, there is a distinct sense that they are hiding something, which can be bothersome upon first impression. But, it wont last long, especially since they are in control of that. your general appearance sun sign: what people see when they get to know you better. Youll notice little to no reaction if you try to pressure them to think a certain way or make them feel judged. They are comfortable saying controversial things and speaking up about their opinions partially for this reason- if they already have the social and emotional awareness to know how people will react to their behaviour, they dont have to be afraid of anything that comes their way as far as backlash goes because they already anticipated it! Not only your venus or moon sign! What does a stellium in a particular house in an individuals natal chart indicate about that person? tend to put on muscle easily. Correlations in rising sign appearance. They tend toward strong color in their complexion, sometimes tending to ruddy. I don't have an opinion on what Beyonce's Rising sign may be, . 2nd house -Second house stelliums are always out for security. Someone with a Taurus stellium in the eleventh house would be all about living with friends, or maybe even starting a community living situation.

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