fault lines in puget sound

    This ramp could be either in the lower crustal blocks, or where the thrust sheet has split and one part is being forced over the next. Analysis of seismic profiles extending 50 km across the Puget Lowland from Lake Washington to Hood Canal indicates . [127], The Tacoma Fault (at right, and also between lines C and D on the Uplift and basin map, above) just north of the city of Tacoma, Washington has been described as "one of the most striking geophysical anomalies in the Puget Lowland". Curiously, the extension of line "B" north of the OWL is approximately the eastern limit of Puget Sound seismicity, the rest of southwestern Washington and the North Cascades being relatively aseismic (see the seismicity map, above). 64, on-line) that the edge of the Crescent Formation offsets west along the Seattle Fault, with the Seattle Basin resulting from a gap between the main part of Siletiza and a northern block that has broken away. Turkey's fault line is similar to faults under Puget Sound normal. Energize Eastside project is building a new substation and upgrading approximately 16 miles of existing transmission lines from Redmond to Renton. Bubbles of methane rising from seafloor in Puget Sound Not until 2001 was it identified as a fault zone,[12] and only in 2004 did trenching reveal Holocene activity. Initially it was not specified, and rather vaguely indicated to be west of Restoration Point (i.e., west of Puget Sound). An informal consortium of regional agencies has coordinated LIDAR mapping of much of the central Puget Lowland, which has led to discovery of numerous fault scarps which are then investigated by trenching (paleoseismology). This seems geologically reasonable, as both the SWIF and RMFZ appear to be the contact between Tertiary Crescent Formation basement of Puget Sound on the west and the older Mesozoic (pre-Tertiary) mlange belt basement rocks under the Cascades on the east.[110]. South of Monroe the folds of the Rogers Belt are obscured by subsequent volcanic formations, but other faults parallel to the RMFZ (e.g., the Snoqualmie Valley and Johnson's Swamp fault zones) extend the general trend of NNW faulting as far as Monroe. [49] Yet it is also notable that "most seismicity in the northern Puget Sound occurs along and southwest of the southern Whidbey Island fault at typical depths of 1527 km within the lower part of the Crescent Formation. 1 - 10 of 77 American Spirit Cruise Reviews. A Lofall Fault has been reported on the basis of marine seismic reflection surveying,[216] but has not been confirmed by trenching. 1 earthquake in the past 7 days. [153] For these reasons this is now a questioned fault, and is indicated on the map as a dashed line. Railroad Development in the Seattle/Puget Sound Region, 1872-1906 A similar line aligns with the termination of the WRZ, SHZ, and Gales Creek Fault Zone (northwest of Portland), with faulting along the upper Nehalem River on the Oregon coast,[211] and a topographical contrast at the coast (between Neahkahnie Mountain and the lower Nehalem River valley) distinct enough to be seen on the seismicity map above (due west of Portland). A marine seismic reflection study[177] found evidence of faulting at the mouth of Budd Inlet, just north of the Olympia structure, and aligning with faint lineaments seen in the lidar imagery. A Puget Sound Fault running down the center of Puget Sound (and Vashon Island) was once proposed,[220] but seems to have not been accepted by the geological community. This bend has distorted the subducting slab into an arch that has lifted the Olympic Mountains and prevented them from subducting. This is just after the terrane carrying the Olympic Mountains came into contact with the North American continent. Arcos' work suggests. ecc.kc@kingcounty.gov. 4 earthquakes in the past 30 days. PSE | Energize Eastside Improvements Project This is because the Olympic terrane is moving (relative to North America) northeast; its continued clockwise rotation is akin to a giant wheel rolling up the western side of the North Cascade crystalline core. At Darrington it is seen to connect with the Darrington Fault, which runs nearly south 110km to converge with the Straight Creek Fault (SCF), and then to turn near Easton to align with the OlympicWallowa Lineament; together these are known as the DarringtonDevils Mountain Fault Zone (DDMFZ). On the north is the HelenaHaystack mlange (HH mlange, purple in the diagram at right), on the south the Western and Eastern mlange belts (WEMB, blue). The length of the Doty Fault is problematical: the report in 2000 gave it as 65km (40 miles), but without comment or citation. $30-$33/hr Electrician Job at University of Puget Sound The northern end of the Crescent Formation (aka Metchosin Formation) has been identified as the eastwest trending Leech River Fault on the southern tip of Vancouver Island. These bends are located where they intercept a "subtle geological structure"[202] of "possible fundamental importance",[203] a NNE striking zone (line "A" on the map) of various faults (including the Tokul Creek Fault NNE of Snoqualmie) and early-Miocene (about 24 Ma) volcanic vents and intrusive bodies (plutons and batholiths) extending from Portland to Glacier Peak;[204] it also marks the change in regional fault orientation noted above. It has been suggested that a corresponding change in the character of the SWIF may reflect a change in the direction of regional crustal strain. [221] Where it might run south of Seattle is not known; an argument has been made that it runs beneath Seattle[222] but this is still conjectural. Recent EQ List Turkey's Fault Line is Similar to Faults Under Puget Sound | KUOW Officials on Tuesday said they believe that more than 7,000 people are dead after a magnitude 7.8 earthquake shook southern Turkey, near the Turkish-Syrian border. While there is a short zone (not shown) of fainter seismicity near Goat Rocks (an old Pliocene volcano[196]) that may be associated with the contact, the substantially stronger seismicity of the WRZ is associated with the major Carbon RiverSkate Mountain anticline. These are usually fairly short, and not believed to be significantly seismogenic. [42] Marine seismic reflection surveys show it striking northwest across the eastern end of the Strait of Juan de Fuca. North Olympic Peninsula VA Clinic at VA Puget Sound health care, 360-565-7420. As all of these are thrust and reverse faults, they probably result from northeast directed regional compression. . 48), along the edge of a formation known as the Southern Washington Cascades Conductor. [76], The Cherry Creek fault zone (CCFZ) was discovered in 2010 while mapping the area at the north end of the Rattlesnake Mountain fault zone (RMFZ). [141] (Originally named the Tahuya Fault. [158] Vertical movement on these faults has created prominent scarps that have dammed Price Lake and (just north of Saddle Mountain) Lilliwaup Swamp. These faults are not quite aligned with the Olympia structure, striking N75W (285) rather than N45W (315). Washington's faults: Where the Earth moves the Seattle area This is the Puget Lowland. It follows the Bainbridge Island ferry route east under Puget Sound and the route of Interstate 90 toward, and possibly beyond, the Cascade Mountains. This structure is shown in the gravitational mapping of 1965, but without comment. There are numerous other faults (or fault zones) in the Puget Lowland, and around its edges, sketchily studied and largely unnamed. Tacoma's Gain is Seattle's Pain. On the east, the Devils Mountain Fault connects with the south striking Darrington Fault (not shown) which runs to the OWL, and the Southern Whidbey Island Fault extends via the Rattlesnake Mountain Fault Zone (dashed line) to the OWL. WASHINGTON: Methane Bubbles Up From Seafloor Near Seattle The Seattle fault isn't a single strand, but a zone of subterranean fractures that extends across Puget Sound, passing under Seattle and reaching as far east as Issaquah. Scientists look for answers in methane bubbles rising from bottom of And in between these two the Strawberry Point Fault (SPF) skirts the south side of Ault Field, splits into various strands that bracket Strawberry Point, and then disappear (possibly ending) under the delta of the Skagit River. The Woods Lake Fault, running past Lake Chaplain, corresponds closest to the mapped position of the southern end of Cheney's Mount Vernon Fault. [209] Between the Cherry Creek and parallel Tokul Creek faults is a contact between formations of the Western Melange Belt. Base map is hillshaded DEM derived from LiDAR data (pixel size 1.8 m) from Puget Sound LiDAR Consortium; illumination from azimuth 05, at 5 above the horizon; datum is NAD83, UTM zone 10N. Another model (of Stanley, Villaseor & Benz 1999, USGS Open-File Report 990311) not so much in competition with the first as complementing it used seismic and other data to create a 3-D tectonic model of the whole crust; this was then analyzed using finite element methods to determine regional geodynamic characteristics. [192] Indeed, it is mainly by their seismicity that these faults are known and have been located, neither showing any surface faulting. The history and capabilities of the Frigid Creek Fault are not known. The map also shows potentially active faults from a separate 2014 report (click here to download). The Seattle Fault is a zone of complex thrust and reverse faults between lines E and F on the map up to 7km wide and over 70km long that delineates the north edge of the Seattle Uplift. It is believed that all of these faults, folds, basins, and uplifts are related. [106] There is an intriguing view from Stanley, Villaseor & Benz (1999) (see Fig. [5] The southern limit nearly matches the southern limit of the glaciation; possibly the seismicity reflects rebound of the upper crust after being stressed by the weight of the glacial ice. A Tsunami Hits Puget Sound: New Simulation Shows How It Unfolds Today's Earthquakes in Puget Sound, Washington slope, need not be high. [43] Just south of Victoria, British Columbia it intersects the west-striking Devils Mountain Fault (reviewed above), and either merges with it,[44] or crosses (and possibly truncates) it to connect with the Leech River Fault. [70] Although the intervening section has not been mapped, geologists believe the GFFZ connects with the McMurray FZ to the north, and forms the eastern boundary of the Everett Basin. [170] Gower, Yount & Crosson (1985), labelling it "structure L", mapped it from Shelton (near the Olympic foothills) southeast to Olympia (pretty nearly right under the state Legislature), directly under the town of Rainier, to a point due east of the Doty Fault, and apparently marking the northeastern limit of a band of southeast striking faults in the Centralia-Chehalis area. [160] The Canyon River Fault is a major fault in itself, associated with a 40km long lineament and distinct late Holocene scarps of up to 3 meters.[161]. [79] It is deemed a "major active or potentially active" structure. Fault lines in the New Madrid seismic zone are being mapped, thanks in part to . [104] Although there is no direct evidence for any major north-striking faults under Seattle, this prospect appears to be endorsed by the geological community.[105]. Somewhere between Puget Sound and Cascades foothills these two geological provinces come into contact. West of Puget Sound the tectonic basement of the Coast Range geologic province is the approximately 50 million year (Ma) old marine basalts of the Crescent Formation, part of the Siletzia terrane that underlies western Washington and Oregon. This is supported by geologically recent scarps and other signs of active faulting on the Saddle Mountain faults, and also discovery of a geophysical lineament running through Pleasant Harbor (south of Brinnon) that appears to truncate strands of the Seattle Fault. Tsunami waves as high as 42 feet could crash into Seattle within These include (from north to south, see map) the: The Puget Sound region (Puget Lowland[1]) of western Washington contains the bulk of the population and economic assets of the state, and carries seven percent of the international trade of the United States. [21] The OWL appears to be a deep-seated structure over which the shallower crust of the Puget Lowland is being pushed, but this remains speculative. [134] Most authors align it with the strong gravitational anomaly (which typically reflects where faulting has juxtaposed rock of different density) and topographical lineament down Commencement Bay. Seattle Earthquakes, Types of Quakes & Fault Lines - TripSavvy [180], That Olympia and the south Sound are at risk of major earthquakes is shown by evidence of subsidence at several locations in southern Puget Sound some 1100 years ago. Can be formed by differential erosion of adjacent hard and soft rock; by localized erosion, for example at the edge of a river terrace; by movement of a landslide; or by a shallow earthquake that is large enough to break the Earth's surface. The Cascadia Fault is 620 miles long off the coast of Washington and British Columbia. The geology also suggests that the DMF is moving obliquely up a ramp that rises to the east,[35] possibly an ancient coastal shore. It appears that the Seattle Uplift is acting as a rigid block, with the Tacoma, Dewatto, and Seattle faults being the southern, western, and northern faces. [123] Other studies have faults extending NW or WNW from the SF towards Dabob Bay;[124] these are now recognized as part of the Dabob Bay fault zone. That earthquake, likely between magnitude 7 and 7.5, lifted the southern end of Bainbridge Island and West Seattle more than 20 feet (3 meters), generated a tsunami, and created landslides into Lake Washington, says Bill Steele . (See, There is a preliminary report of aeromagnetic and gravity mapping placing the eastern edge of the Siletz terrane under Lake Washington. How the CRBF might run north of Seattle (specifically, north of the OWL, which Seattle straddles) is unknown, and even questioned, as there is no direct evidence of such a fault. This map is useful in showing the location and approximate length of faults but does not provide the impact an earthquake from a fault could have on the area surrounding. Could a Tsunami Hit Puget Sound? - Washington Sea Grant The passive roof duplex model of Brocher et al. Turkey's fault line is similar to faults under Puget Sound

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