hermione is adopted by the avengers fanfiction

    Intoxicated on palladium and alcohol he absolutely should not be drinking Tony allows two teenagers who ask to be his children to take some of his blood because hes dying anyway so why not take a foray into the occult? Ron and Hermione die at the Battle of Hogwarts, and it leads to a future covered in darkness. No adventures, no magical mishaps and trips to the hospital wing. With brainpower, determination, and foreknowledge of what is to come, she's ready and willing to wage total war on the wannabe magical fascists that infect her new world, becoming the Morrigan Reborn. YAYAYAYAYAYAY :D. Oh hell no. Anthony Stark builds his first circuit board at four. I despues de la guerra la vida de Hermione cambiara para siempre, tendra nueva familia, amigos y peleas. Dramione Haven, My Fanfic Recommendations For You - Tumblr AUs I had no idea what to do. So long. She could forgive hiding things from her -- hell, it wouldn't be the first, but tricking her into following their plans? fix-it's Without anyone teaching him, he does not know what should be impossible. Tony gave Minnie everything. The rediscovery of an ancient artifact opens a gateway to another world. The young woman with undefined but clearly powerful abilities and a silver tongue, who wormed her way into the newly-created Avengers within mere days, four months after the fateful Battle of New York, is an enigma as much as she is a catalyst.She will not change the world, she will change all of them, because, for better or for worse, none can run from the only thing that is inevitable in life. to bad that after being the smartest muggle you have to start again this time with magic. **Canon rewrite where Voldemort never returned at the end of 4th year. (A fully plotted longfic.). One with actual Nazis, super soldiers, and an insane amount of futuristic technology for the 1940s. This will be one-shots (maybe two or three shots) about the main man, Spider-Man, (hey that rhymed) or Peter Parker. I can't exactly remember..But in the story the Malfoys were very nice people. and most importantly Contains: When Tony Stark is kidnapped, things are put into motion that will change history. (A kinda sequel or at least another one-shot in the same universe as my one-shot "Distractions"). Can he survive the humility and torture the Avengers will throw at him every step of the way? Or more importantly, what will happen when the Avengers find out about Flash? A technologically advanced distorted version of her world where magic and magical creatures are only spoken of in fairy tales, myths, and legends. -Identity reveals 12 Grimmauld Place, London, England. Sent back to her adoptive family the Blacks Hermione finds life in a calm muggle town is not nearly as calm or muggle filled as it first appeared and Hermione must do everything in her power to heal and stay safe. Hermione Granger/Tony Stark - Works | Archive of Our Own Chapters may or may not exist in the same Universe and/or timeline. Work Search: Blaise, Theo, Pansy and Draco have a secret.Will Hermione, Ginny, Harry a. Hermione and Draco have been rivals for years and when they come back for the eighth year of Hogwarts, they don't plan on changing anything. Harry James Potter must learn what it is like to depend himself and on those who he's becoming to trust like family. soulmates Harry Potter & Avengers - Rated: K+ - English - Humor/Romance - Chapters: 27 - Words . What they find out at the resorting is a shock. Taking over one universe isn't enough, so Voldemort sends war prisoners Hermione, Ginny, and Luna to Dimension 3261 in order to breed magical superhumans with HYDRA's prize supersoldier. Do not translate my story. Hermione Granger & Tony Stark - Works | Archive of Our Own When everything went wrong, Andromeda Tonks helps Hermione and Draco to make everything right -by sending them to another time.Also posted in fanfiction . De haber un OC, este igualmente tomar atribuciones de los autores ya mencionados, por lo que nada me pertenece.*. He must navigate his way through the tottering magical world, as events around him unfold into the deadliest conflict in wizarding history. Under an unexpected time constraint, Dumbledore gives Hermione an untested contingency plan to use in the event Voldemort looks set to win the war. They are being all mysterious and suspicious. After all when you're the son of Tony Stark, the one and only Iron Man, life is bound to be interesting. She will learn who her true friends are, and discover exactly what she is capable of in order to truly save the world she was born to lead. How dare they treat her like this? Together again, its time to clear the air and figure out whats next for them both. Hermione has always used magic to open doors between her and Tony. But as of this moment I do not know how explicit I will make it, so just be warned. Severus really just wanted a scotch. Voldemort was just the beginning, it seems. What happens if Harry didn't come back to life after Voldemort cast the killing curse at him? I only OWN the plot of this story. Helena Wayne's early life had mostly been filled with sorrow. Have ideas for how it was going to go but no inspiration to continue original plot. veena.soujanya is an avid fanfiction reader and an active particpant in the world of fandom. When he finds out the location, will he be able to keep his alter-ego, Spiderman, a secret? . Hermione doesn't know her brother, least until Draco saves her. The one that only comes with age. There will also be foul language and sexual acts, some with dubious consent, at best. This is the world and characters of J. K. Rowling. Tony no esperava descobrir uma filha durante suas frias de vero. The story of how Hermione Granger became Hermione Malfoy, starts from before first year, hermione granger/antonin dolohov pairing. However, the Harry they find is far different from the one they expected. Snakes and sneaky Gryffindors galore as we look in to what would have happened if we would have gotten a bad witch.. His Lordship Orion Black, of The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black, cordially invites one Miss Hermione Jean Granger-Potter of House Potter to the Spring Equinox Ball, to be held at Black Manor - no. Join Peter as he goes through the trials and tribulations as the sole heir to Stark industries and Spiderman. It was difficult to part ways, but she assured them all that she would be a frequent visitor, once she was well enough. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Edit* I've decided to just make this one shots, not just field trip ones. What if everything you had believed in was a made up story for you to believe in? They're at a charity gala and Tony asks her for a dance; against her better judgment, she says yes. Drawing them into politics, creature rights, experimental magic and her blended chosen family. The hard part is going to be convincing them to allow me to contact the refugees to help with this fight" Hermione b My names Mia Annalise Riddle, but you probably know me as Hermione, Hermione Granger. Real life was hard work and dedication. Good girls are always the ones to go Bad. Hermione wasn't letting up until the day he died. Hermione felt as though Tony had been pulling away from her for a long time, always too busy to spend any time with her. The smartest-witch-of-her-age's mind and heart were thrown into chaos, as she was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Years later, when the Avengers Initiative comes knocking, she'll wonder if she regrets staying as long as she has. One night spent together turns into two, and before you know it, they are in love and married. Mature Meanwhile despite the hope for a relaxing trip, chaos ensues and introduces Hermione to two people she assumed she would only read about. i can do angst, but i dont write it super often. Just as his friends have given up hope of ever seeing him again, he stumbles back into their lives - but something is very, very wrong. A collection of one-shots, short series, and otherwise unrelated stories to the already too-many series I have running. Probably, much to her horror, pull her out of Hogwarts. The Battle of New York reveals more than one new surprise to Hermione Granger and Harry Potter. Everyone was moving on, and she was stuck in the past. Peter 'Junior' Parker Antonio Potts-Stark was your unfairly attractive, snarky, genius son of Tony and Pepper Potts-Stark and younger brother to the adopted Wanda Maximoff-Stark. Un fanfiction inspirado en "The Winter Witch", donde Hermione es alcanzada por la maldicin asesina y, en vez de morir, despierta en un bosque de Poniente, donde es encontrada por el hijo del seor de Invernalia, Robb Stark. She smacked the slim plastic stick against her palm and grumbled to herself. A young boy by the name of Harry Potter, himself a victim of times, is close to the core of a brewing maelstrom. Tony wants Pepper back. I unfortunately can't remember if this is the main storyline or if there's more things happening at the same time.. She would desperately like to reconcile her family with her friends, but she knows she'd only end up losing Harry and Ron if they knew who she went home to every holiday. #16 in peter parker Tony is hiding in paradise to escape a broken heart. Straightening her stature, Hermione called on her Gryffindor courage and hugged Ginny before they descended the stairs. Book 1: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Book 5: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Merlin/Morgana | Morgan Le Fay (Harry Potter), Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, I really shouldn't start another story write now, Hermione Granger befriends Lucius Malfoy somehow, Three and a half chapters are written so far. . *Los personajes pertenecen a J.K. Rowling y George R.R Martin. Hermione Stark Chapter 1, a Harry Potter + Avengers Crossover fanfic | FanFiction saralinn The story of Super Genius Hermione- daughter of one Tony Stark and her goal of being the smartest. "I suffered for nothing.". The problem? Hermione, being eager to le Hermione granger is actually hermione dumbldore but after years of abuse will she see the love her parents show to her or will run away from the love they show her and b Hermione was sent to the Grangers for her own safety, in which they adopted her and raised her as their own. Looking up at Steve, she continued, "You keep saying how when you woke up, everything had changed. -Peter gets to prove to Flash that he is not lying about the internship. Note: Harry and Neville will eventually somewhat redeem themselves I really wanted to show how charismatic funny abusers especially at first can end up getting the friends/damaging previously strong relationships. But dark schemes are being woven, in Hogwarts as well as beyond, and he must protect the love of his life at all costs. Cross-posted from FFN.Rose Potter is far more than she seems. texting this is just a bit of fun! How will her brother react to Hermione liking his best friend? A mysterious accident sends Hermione back to 1930s America, meeting new people who will become more important than she knows, before going on a journey of a lifetime. Until her real family contacted her once they thought it wou What do you want? She needed a new start, to be away. Its been six years since Voldemort was defeated, and five since Harry Potter vanished without a trace. Hermione Granger is 28 years old, working as an Unspeakable for the Ministry after the War when an UES (Unidentified Energy Source), only nick-named by other professionals in her area of work as 'the tesseract', quite literally rips her away from her world and deposits her unwillingly into a new one. Hell I didn't know what to think. The party Hermione plans for Tony goes a bit awry. The one time she decides to relax, have fun, and not take control and this is what happens. Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Neville all find themselves searching for answers in a dawning Age of Warlocks - an age in which powerful wizards are trophies for godlike beings, coveted pawns in a high-stakes inter-dimensional game of chess. Nada es mo. "Temos um problema". You are an absolute lifesaver, thank you!!! And once they go bad they don't ever come back. Hermione is adopted by the Potters : r/HPfanfiction !Fan Art Front Cover is NOT MINE!!! "No tengo miedo de un Lord cado que parasita un cuerpo para atacar.". A triad? Captain America being her adoptive father and *REQUESTS CLOSED* A disgruntled millennial is dropped into the infant body of actual genius Hermione Granger. Hermione and Tony had a nasty breakup. Little does she know her spell restoring him to life provokes magic she doesn't understand and sets her on a path that ends with a Time-Turner. What they find out at the resorting is a shock. She was born with the ability to use magic. After the 'Battle Of Hogwarts' all students have returned to Hogwarts, Voldemort wasn't defeated, but he is in hiding after nearly being killed by Harry Potter, all students must be resorted, what happens when golden girl- Gryffindor Hermione gets a letter from Snape. WARNING: MATURITY RATING VARIES FROM CHAPTER TO CHAPTER. The Stark Effect Chapter 1: Prologue: His Own Mini Monster - FanFiction I FINALLY MADE THE COVER!! Pues ests en la historia correcta para saber sobre su vida como parte de la familia Snape. Why wouldnt a shy, awkward, abused little boy think anything else of the force of nature that adopted all the other shy, awkward, abused little kids? -He has a relationship with Michelle/MJ, Shuri, Wade or Wanda as OTP's and BROTP's (So this boo first oneshot book! So they were either not as bad as they are portrayed in canon, or Hermione wasn't as lightsided as in canon. (I think this trope, like all tropes, can be done both well and horribly.). Nada es mo. Hermione Granger did the Wizarding World a service she didn't have to do. Surrounded by Death Eaters, can she convince Draco Malfoy to help? She is thrown into the midst of a chaotic world that does not deal in her neat boxes of black and white absolutes, but includes all the shades of grey, blurring the lines she had so clearly established for her life and moral compass. She melts herself down filling in the cracks of her friends, her chosen family, her worlds. He breaks the rules of magic with his bushy-haired friend. We don't consider legend for what it originally was: a warning. Press J to jump to the feed. But something's different. . When your whole world crashes down upon you, what will you do? Now that Peter is 15 and in high school, its getting harder to keep his life a secret. Hermione went down the line of Weasleys, and Neville and Luna, embracing each person as tightly as she could to memorize every little detail that made them so wonderfully, uniquely them. And tonight, she had had enough. When her true allegiance is forced into the open, and Hermione is given the opportunity to change the wizarding world for the better, she ends up with stronger relationships she ever thought possible. She, the Mud-Blood of the Century, fought long and hard for seven years, learning everything she could to stop the dark forces that rained hell on the world she loved. BAMF Hermione Granger Steve Rogers is not a choir boy Bucky Barnes Needs a Hug Steve's life was looking grim when Bucky got drafted, right up until the day he sort of rescued a dame from a dark alley, only for her to follow him home and turn his life upside down. Percy Jackson fanfiction, Son of Fury. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. a.k.a the typical fieldtrip trope. Written for the Hermione's Haven Off the Beaten Path '22 exchange on facebook: Hermione has planned a trip to paradise as a reward for her latest promotion. Work Search: Now living together, the pair get along well.

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