how does ciel phantomhive drink his tea

    Ciel tells Sebastian to get them to Kelvin's manor in an hour. [226], The guests leave the next morning, but Arthur rushes back to the Phantomhive Manor, having figured out that Jeremy is actually Sebastian. Sebastian replies that it will take some time to train him. Sebastian reveals it was Snake, who he has captured. Ciel then orders Sebastian to begin preparations and contact Lau and Undertaker. 4. Sebastian smiles and says that Ciel does not need to askhe just needs to order him.[300]. Ciel grows pensive at the idea that he is similar to his father. Finnian tries to lunge on to Ciel, but Sebastian stops him. Ciel answers he needed Wolfram to look after Sieglinde; she is his insurance. Unexpectedly, Aleister Chamber also appears before them. They have their dreams of the future; this compels them to move forward. He asks them to forgive him. Sebastian smiles, asking Ciel if he is going to cry because of this minor setback. Sebastian continues to guard Ciel and Sieglinde while Sieglinde's mother reveals the truth. The men begin singing a hymn. [560], Abruptly, Scotland Yard, helmed by Fred, who is accompanied by Edward and Alexis burst inside, having received an an anonymous report detailing that Blavat, the mastermind of the Sphere Music Hall serial murders, and his conspirators are hiding at the manor. Although Ciel dismisses the notion, Sebastian states that his response is strangeCiel is a boy who has met Grim Reapers and demons, yet he denies the existence of curses and werewolves. [318], Ciel starts his daily schedule at school. [86] Sebastian appears behind Azzurro with the bullet he has shot and drops them into his pocket. He is voiced by Maaya Sakamoto who also voices Crona from Soul Eater, Akito Sohma from 2019 version of Fruits Basket in the Japanese version of the anime, and Brina Palencia in the English dub. Ciel and the others disguised as "flowers" on a boat. Sebastian tells Ciel that he is glad the rest of them were fooled. Finnian explores the shop while undercover and reports that Scotland Yard officers have been stationed at the shop. [501], Later, at Ciel's townhouse, Sebastian tells Ciel that closed meetings for those with different bracelets are held on different days of the week at the Sphere Music Hall. Once the performance ends, the four receive an ovation. He smiles, thinking he is different from his ancestors. Noah's Ark CircusWeston College Meanwhile, a troubled Finnian watches over Ciel as he sleeps. [151][152][153], Afterwards, he tries to leave with Sebastian to further discuss Harold West, but Soma chases after him. As they start running, Ciel exclaims that he can't believe the Germans have such advanced weaponry. [556], When Ciel asks where "Ciel" was all along, "Ciel" reveals that he has always been by Ciels side: "Ciel" was inside the coffin Ciel sat on when the latter visited Undertaker's funeral parlor to inquire into the Jack the Ripper incident; Undertaker had "Ciel" watch from afar on a cliff when Ciel and Sebastian walked out of the burning Kelvin Manor; "Ciel" was in one of the many coffins stowed in the deck of the Campania, where he bit Undertaker; "Ciel" was concealed under Johann Agares's cloak as he watched Ciel play cricket at Weston College. Ciel dismisses this claim, saying it was Sebastian's job to protect him, regardless of whether Ciel protected himself. Sebastian asks for Ciel's forgiveness. Ciel responds that he can't stand others being deceived. McMillan, one day, remarks on how amazing Ciel is. [214] At this time, Sebastian makes arrangements with the other servants of the house, giving them instructions to last several days. [542], Othello affirms that entries may be revised every once in a while, especially when there are external factors, such as a demon, interfering with the affairs of humans. Soma, reminded of his task, shows a sloppy drawing of a lady named Mina, a maidservant at his palace. Professional status When Pitt mentions Ciel's love of mischief, Soma admits that he cannot imagine Ciel as a prankster, which prompts Pitt to say that Vincent Phantomhive and Tanaka had their hands full with Ciel back then. When Lau mentions Karnstein Hospital, Ciel recalls the Aurora Society and has Sebastian comb through the information collected and flag anything in which Aurora Society members play key roles. He assures the Queen that if Sieglinde worked for the sake of her subjects, wonderful results are guaranteed. As the dolls swim towards them, Ciel urgently tells Sebastian to get in. So that would be a good estimate since it wasn't stated in anime/manga #Ask_Black_Butler | #event@black_letter | #Ciel_Phantomhive@black_letter <br><br>Days at the prestigious Weston College are calm and measured. However, this time, he realizes hes outside the cage. He then orders Agni to side with the British, and Agni quickly takes out all of the Indians. Sebastian asks Ciel why he asked him to save Wolfram. [312] At the dining table, Grey and Phipps deliver a "love letter" from Queen Victoria to Ciel. Baldroy was speechless when Ciel stated that he would have the intruders pay a heavy price for disturbing his sleep. [275] After delivering a pompous speech, he tells they are fortunate to witness the coming of a new dawn thanks to medicine. She declares that this time she will protect him. As he is reaching out his hand to Ciel to shake him awake, a Bizarre Doll bites Sebastian's leg, jolting both of them. [481], After the meeting is over, Wolfram carries Sieglinde outside, and they and Ciel reunite with Sebastian. Close to two hours afterward, Agni leaves on his own, which Sebastian has expected. Because he is last, Ciel has to polish the prefects' shoes. [192], The next morning Sebastian brings Ciel back to the London townhouse. [434] Ciel adds that he didn't want to behave like that. He notes that first impressions are important and that he must be careful. At Violet Wolf dormitory, Ciel starts a fire by hurling a lighted torch through a window. Ciel states that he will stop putting them both to use, and that he has never considered Soma a friend. She ends the letter with a question asking Ciel for his thoughts on the subject. They then set out to nurse him in bed. At midnight, Ciel arrives at the given location. A lady hands Ciel a plate of food, and says that dessert is available as well. [228] Sebastian had cunningly set up everything to make Jeremy look more believable, and Ciel was forced to help with the act on numerous occasions. [92] In order to get more information, they go see a London funeral director, Undertaker. Smiling proudly and confidently, Ciel promises that he will definitely return. [87], Afterward, Ciel and Sebastian return to the manor where the other servants greet them warmly. Musical debut An officer points out that Ciel is also being charged with identity theft. Sieglinde says that collecting blood from a large number of people, which is what the music hall is doing, makes sense for a vast amount of data is needed to improve the accuracy of blood transfusion, and remarks that involving civilians in the unethical research is "vicious. Sebastian and Ciel see that his men are carrying Rian's devicealthough Sebastian suggests killing him now, Ciel replies that they cannot since they do not know how the device works. Ciel apologizes to his servants for losing his composure. She takes her leave after informing Ciel that she will have the Grand Chamberlain's office send the authorization documents for the Royal Warrant to Ciel soon. He orders Sebastian to figure out his own way in. Ciel and Sebastian, then, leave for London to track down Blavat. [355], Ciel continues the game with his teammates. Sebastian explains that the "amulets" that everyone is wearing as werewolf protection are actually some kind of transmitter. Species Box 4666, Ventura, CA 93007 Request a Quote: taurus 1911 45 acp extended magazine CSDA Santa Barbara County Chapter's General Contractor of the Year 2014! [148], Inside, they overhear Harold West talking to Agni, who seems distressed. Afterward, they go over the hill to get there. Furthermore, the corpses lack intelligence; otherwise, they would have headed upstairs for more "food." Furthermore, the Blue House boys are all near-sighted, so they don't notice anything. Ciel orders Karl to sit down. Sebastian then informs him that Tanaka has called and said that Elizabeth Midford is currently at Phantomhive Manor and she refuses to go home before seeing Ciel. Although the other players are worried, Ciel tells them to leave it to him. At one point, Sebastian reports to Ciel that they have drawn about twenty percent of Sphere's attendees to their music hall. [299] Ciel is about to fall asleep, but Sebastian yells at him not to. [545], When Ciel asks Soma if he is hurt, Soma hits him across the face. However, she quickly recovers and announces she thought of a great idea; whoever is able to find the egg that she specially made will become the winner of the competition. Sebastian and Ciel are left speechless after hearing this. Maaya SakamotoMiyuki Sawashiro (First Drama CD) Comforting Sieglinde, Ciel declares that children are not "tools"; he can't believe a mother would ruin her child's feet just for a chemical formula. He also points out that the meetings, strangely, charge no fees; instead, Blavat hands out bracelets of pure silver. Ciel angrily orders him not to touch him with his "filthy hands." When Finnian states that it is impossible for there to be two Ciels, "Ciel" asserts that he is real. Ciel comments in spite of his mental immaturity, Soma is quite capable in almost every area. To Ciel's irritation, Othello gathers samples from him. Ciel explains that this is the home of Harold West Jeb, and he is involved in importing various goods. Although the P4 protest that the headmaster had nothing to do with it, the headmaster suddenly speaks. Afterward, the officers allow them to pass. She hugs him tightly, claiming he always finds her Easter egg first, and therefore must ensure that he comes first this year too, to which he uneasily promises her he will. [564], Ciel mulls over the situation and determines that Sirius, the Blue Star and the cult leader of Sphere Music Hall, which was illegally harvesting blood, is "Ciel". Furthermore, each year one exceptional player in the cricket tournament can get invited to the "Midnight Tea Party." Character Description: Ciel Phantomhive. [378] Edward then tells Ciel how scared he isin a year, he may have become like the P4, believing that there is justice in murder. Ciel and Sebastian then talk with Diedrich. [502], The room is filled with seats around a post, and is hardly occupied. Seeing her deplorable manners, Sebastian states he can't wait to teach her. [163], When the tasting commences, Agni's curry is highly praised whereas the judges are skeptical of Sebastian's curry doughnut. After Ciel's bowling style is exposed, everyone claims it's dirty, unfair, and unbefitting an Englishman. Sebastian says that Fred stated that, while their methods may be different, they share the goal of protecting people. Grelle kills Angelina with her Death Scythe. They consider leaving England. Ciel looks at Diedrich and comments that he is a rich boy. Edward replies he doesn't know; when Ciel is leaving, he unexpectedly grabs his hand and asks him if this has anything to do with his job as the Queen's Watchdog. Ciel and Sebastian conclude that the Sphere Music Hall is bleeding their guests to death, and the former adds that they may also be conducting experiments in blood transfusion. Ciel also further humiliates Maurice by making Sebastian shower photos of Maurice putting on makeupthe true secret to his flawless beauty. While going down a hallway, Ciel and Sebastian are approached by Agni, who, upon receiving confirmation from Ciel that Funtom Music Hall has triggered the incident where Sphere Music Hall killed a person, asks Ciel to stop involving Soma in dangerous matters, for, in his perspective, Soma has indirectly taken part in a murder. [115] William apologizes and drags Grelle away. When in disguise, he trades the black eye-patch for a white patch that resembles a transdermal patch, which is fastened over his ear with two cords. He finally asks that they continue to serve him. Earl of PhantomhiveWatchdog of the QueenOwner of Funtom CorporationAristocrat of Evil [137][138] Despite this, Soma continuously interrupts Ciel throughout the day. He allows them to keep Ciel in a cage, "play with her" as much as they please, use her in a ceremony, or parts of her could be sold according to what the customer prefers. Before Ciel can protest, Sebastian asks for his forgiveness and hurls Ciel into the water. Diedrich tells them if they can get to a train they can escape. Ciel is happy when she agrees to go with him. Ciel realizes what Sebastian is doingif they can catch the headmaster, the case will be solved once and for all. After consulting with each other, Grelle and Ronald also depart to go after Rian. [466], Sebastian and Ciel arrive in the nick of time to save the household from the German female officer. Ciel admonishes Pitt, while Soma asks him why he is so upset. [437] Finally, Ciel tells the entire household to make preparations to leavefurther instructions will come later. [246] After his usual behavior, he questions Ciel if they have met before. He then tells Sebastian to burn the place, regardless of the children. She snatches it, claiming he cares more about the ring than her feelings. Sebastian, however, stops her and apologizes for failing as a butler and putting her through so much trouble; he adds that he will handle the rest. Ciel replies it is awkward to hear that when he is wearing a dress. Team Red forfeits the match, and Team Blue is declared the victor. [62], A year later, Ciel summoned Sebastian to his room, complaining of a wobbly tooth that was preventing him from eating his food properly. After examining Agni, Sebastian reports to Ciel that he is not breathing, to Ciel's shock. [303], Several days later, Ciel has completely recuperated; he also discovers that Elizabeth is currently in the manor and intends to celebrate Easter together with him, Sebastian, Baldroy, Mey-Rin, Finnian, Snake, Edward, Soma and Agni. As Elizabeth praises the handicraft, Grey announces that he would like to join the competition, too. He occasionally has flashbacks of the incident and loses awareness of his surroundings. [191] When Ciel wakes up, he finds Doll sleeping with him. [544], Later, Ciel and Sebastian arrive at the townhouse, where Sebastian notices that something is amiss. [104], Later Angelina comes in while Ciel is working and offers to play a game of chess with him. [224] After dinner, Ciel has to lend his assistance to Jeremy, and he is required to take off his clothes and stay very still. "[259], Ciel immediately orders Sebastian to get his aunt and the others to safety. Kelvin orders Joker to put away his sword. For instance, he once jumped in front of a bear to guard Elizabeth Midford,[27] and he also attempted to protect her from a horde of Bizarre Dolls. [463] Ciel tells Baldroy and Snake to help the others get to the train; he also hands the case to Snake. Nevertheless, this is all according to Ciel's planhe has already used Sebastian to set up giant speakerphones so the P4 can hear their entire confrontation. Ciel, initially surprised, comments that Fred is the kind of man who will "never make it up the ladder. [367], Ciel tells the astonished group that he came to this school at someone's request to investigate the missing boysProfessor Michaelis is actually his butler Sebastian. As the tank comes toward them, Sebastian holds Ciel in one arm since he forgot to bring an extra pair of shoes. After he narrates the entire story, Ciel cannot believe that his predecessor was in Blue House. While Sebastian prepares the carriage, Ciel muses on Elizabeths cryptic words. Later, Ciel wakes up and sees Gregory, who says that he was soundly asleep, to his horror. His aunt Angelina Dalles helped to deliver him and his twin. By judging it, about 90-110 pounds. Ciel tells Chlaus to ignore the tablecloth and continue eating leisurely. [190] Doctor states that Ciel has had an asthma attack due to a cold. Finally, Ciel and Sebastian talk with Wolfram. Sebastian adds that even the Queen's selfishness is incomparable to Ciel's. Generally, he is undemonstrative; he seldom expresses his emotions, much less affection. She stabs two corpses behind Ciel, and her tears fall on Ciel. [392] When Ciel asks if Sebastian ever appeared at any Satanic rituals, Sebastian responds that those were just lecherous meetings of vile humans. [387] Ciel thinks the idea is ridiculous. When Lau says "Yes, my Lord" alongside Sebastian, both Ciel and Sebastian are surprised. [155] Ciel decides to participate and obtain the Royal Warrant for the Funtom Corporation, even if they only have a week to prepare. Ciel instructs Sebastian to complete all of his fag assignments. [529] When Blavat recognizes Ciel as the Earl of Phantomhive, Ciel points out that Blavat must have known who he was since they first met. The butler informs the sleepy Ciel of his movements, and they are about to leave when Soma arrives, asking to come as well. When Ciel talks to him, he does not use any foul language because "Joker and his crew were aware of their own foolishness. [517], The doorbell sounds, and Agni leaves to get the door. [290], Suddenly, everyone feels a tremendous shudder resonate throughout the entire ship. Thank yo very much, that would be nice! [283] Finally, after Undertaker's complete explanation of his "Bizarre Dolls", Ciel asks him how perverse he can be. [158] Sebastian tests the quality of his curries with Soma, and eventually discovers an extra ingredient to enhance the taste. Toboso once joked that, due to their height difference, Ciel sometimes stands on a box when he poses together with Sebastian for a cover illustration as he would otherwise disappear from the frame. They agree to keep it a secret, and when she leaves, he thinks to himself that humans have no scruples about lying. Ciel scoffs, comparing said rivalry to the trivial rivalry of women. Sebastian then apologizesthe headmaster got away from him. After Ciel does so, he tells him to enter the Canis Major door, saying that a meal is ready inside. Ciel then bursts into a wild fit of laughter. [222], Just then, the Phantomhive servants haul in the "thirteenth person," but Ciel quickly recognizes him as Jeremy Rathbone. Sebastian tells Ciel that it is good that he chose to expand in this area, but he needs more knowledge than just data and statistics. [72], Sebastian interrupts them and serves their evening meal. [58][59], The first place they went after these events was to the Royal London Hospital where his aunt worked; he was reunited with Tanaka, and a carriage was arranged to bring him back to his manor. [516], A panic-stricken Agni rushes to Ciel, Sebastian, and Edward and informs them of Elizabeth's disappearance. [337] Furthermore, the P4 all give different answers regarding his "speciality. In Joker's tent, he finds a letter from "Tom, the piper's son." Ciel is about to answer negatively; however, exceedingly embarrassed after catching sight of Sebastian's laughing face, he stops and tells her they do not have time for this. [459] According to the plan, Snake carries Ciel disguised as Sieglinde. He glumly accepts it, though, when Sebastian says that if Ciel is not there, he would get to live according to his own free will. After examining it, Sebastian decided to forcibly take it out, much to Ciel's chagrin. He adds that he can't believe that Undertaker took a job at a school. Sebastian guesses this is because Ciel was too afraid. [165] She declares Sebastian as the winner since he also has taken children into account in the preparation of his curry. [430] Sebastian lightly responds that he was only 90% serious. Ciel reads books from various famous authors, such as. Ciel and Sebastian, then, explain the treacherous workings of Sphere Music Hall, and their plan to steal the music hall's source of supply. Jeremy says that Georg initially feigned his death, but was truly killed later; therefore, alibis are invalid. While Edward watches over Elizabeth in a bedroom, Sebastian informs Ciel about his entrusting the blood he obtained from the facility to Sieglinde, and adds that he was not able to meet the four with the names of stars. 6 Ciel Phantomhive Loves Earl Grey Tea (Black Butler) Black Butler's Ciel Phantomhive is almost always seen with a cup of earl grey tea. [36] His greed has "no boundaries"; for instance, when he learned that a popular performer could double the sales of his new product, he immediately put up advertisements of her. igf bundeswehr schieen . [412] Ciel softly answers he's not worth protecting. [374] He orders Sebastian to capture him, but Vice headmaster Johann Agares comes to Undertaker's defense. Rian yells that he has been lied to regarding the device. Ciel screams Sebastian's name as Sebastian loses consciousness. Sebastian suggests attending the meeting as well, but Ciel says that they may know exactly who is protected by Sirius, and is against the idea. He tells Ciel he made it because Ciel said that he would win. When Fred suggests that they request aid from Queen Victoria, Ciel states that, by the word of law, she cannot intervene in domestic affairs, and assures him that he will handle it, as the Queen's Watchdog. He made eye contact with Baldroy before walking away. They were both dressed and brought into a cathedral occupied by a cult. [272], Ciel orders Sebastian to go after Rian. Ciel realizes that Maurice tricked him. [217], Later, Ciel and the other guests dine together. [489], Subsequently, Ciel lets his blood drop into Blavat's cup. She targets Undertaker, intent on apprehending him. [543], Ciel tells Sebastian to inform Fred, Grey, and Phipps about the Bath music hall and Gregory's whereabouts. Sebastian then offers him McMillan's letter. Separately, Ciel and Sebastian observe the whole scene.[344]. He, followed by his butler, approaches them and sarcastically apologizes for being such a brat. He asks Sebastian if he can defeat them all. Ciel breezily states he will be able to handle it.[321]. [100] They enter the party in search for Aleister. Studying hard, participating in various activities, carefully hiding a dark secret - all this filled the everyday life of students. However, Sebastian comes to rescue him, and they manage to escape before the arrival of the police. "Also, Ciel's hair has become grey-ish [in the new anime], matching his current hair colour in the original manga. [433] They all respond with "Yes, My Lord. [400] They are unable to deduce anything from the old woman's ravings. Sebastian also observes all the guests as they mingle. [161], As the curry competition gets underway, Aleister Chamber is revealed to be one of the judges; Ciel concludes that he probably bribed his way out of jail. Both of them thinks along the same linesthey know there is no clear standard for the special player's selection. Ciel is one of the characters whose character design was only slightly changed during the pre-production. He realizes ecstatically that this is his chance to meet the headmaster. Ciel asks if Sebastian can locate her with this picture, and the butler replies that he will try his best. [524], Later, Sebastian informs Ciel that he must make preparations for the Phantomhive earldom's Halloween celebration. Prevention of Cruelty to, and Protection of, Children Act of 1889, romanization of the French translation by Kana. The officers demand to see Lau and Ran-Mao's cargo, as part of their London-wide investigation for Ciel. Furthermore, although Sebastian does his best to remain unnoticed, Francis Midford recognizes him. [521], Following the eventful two weeks, the Phantom Five head to Sphere Music Hall to direct its attendees to Funtom Music Hall, while Ciel stays in the new venue's office with Sebastian. Although Ciel succeeds in uncovering everything, Maurice seemingly gets the upper hand by making his lackeys catch Ciel and start hitting him. [340], When the fire starts spreading, Sebastian suddenly grabs Ciel, and they both continue to observe from atop a tree. Presently, through Professor Michaelis' carefully timed cues, Team Blue succeeds. She apologizes to him, sadly saying that she cannot save him. [16] Since then, he wears earrings. Sebastian, then, explains that word of mouth, particularly by means of a song, is the most effective method to spread a message. [34], As the executive chairman and owner of the prosperous Funtom Corporation, Ciel possesses business acumen; he accurately assesses market trajectories and conditions, such as when he anticipated that demand for products tailored to women and children would only continue to grow, and applies his ingenuity and foresight to expand his enterprise. Ciel is disturbed by the revelation. Although he questions how they have recognized him, he soon realizes that they are members of the Aurora Society after they do the Phoenix pose. They puzzle over why Blavat has returned to London, despite the risk of being apprehended. [221] Later, Lau brings up the possibility of a thirteenth person being among them. Sebastian leaned forward, pulling off his glove with his teeth to expose his contract seal. Gregory proceeds to hand Ciel piles of special treats, saying that everyone receives them. He boasts that he is the winner of the game. He announces that he will be fighting from here on out. Previous affiliation Johann comically falls off of his seat, and when he gets up, he tells Ciel to sign the contract. They then conclude that the snake must have been smuggled by Karl, who has close connections with an African business. Ciel confidently replies that he has a trick to do everything. [177][178], Back at the London townhouse, Ciel is irritated that Sebastian has signed him up for an entrance test to qualify for the circus. [142][143], At dinner, Soma and Ciel discuss his problem. The entire group then arrives at Diedrich's castle. [357] Ciel tells Lawrence they will be able to hold their ground with this technique "the Sword in the Stone. [416] Finnian happily points out that she is speaking English now. Ciel, then, presses them for the whereabouts of Blavat and Elizabeth, and learns that they were not aware that Elizabeth was at Sphere Music Hall in the first place, nor were they aware of the blood transfusions. He promises that he would catch the "rat" soon since he received ingredients; that is, drugs, from Chlaus. Grelle soon reveals her true form as a Grim Reaper, and Angelina reveals herself as her partner-in-crime. Ciel smiles and offers him his hand instead; crying, Finnian takes it. Ciel tells his butler that they have received a call from Italy from Chlaus, who would arrive at six o'clock that day. [455] Sieglinde cries, saying she's horrible for creating the gas. [278] Ciel, Sebastian, Grelle, and Ronald reluctantly recite the lines and strike the Phoenix Pose.[279]. In the storage compartment below, Ciel is startled to discover Snake. [176], Ciel and Sebastian then attend a circus show hosted by Noah's Ark Circus. Ciel's just a human with one hell of a butler. After Gregory's team's defeat, Team Blue faces Team Green. [66], One night, intruders invaded Phantomhive Manor. Sebastian, Ciel and the servants of the Phantomhive Manor. [121], One month after Angelina's the death, Ciel dreams of the incident that happened during a stormy night, where it took away all his hopes and dreams. He adds that, however, on this day he has just stolen Joker's future. At Daunt Book Store, Ciel buys a historical novel by Arthur Conan Doyle, surprising Sebastian. [198] But, Ciel and Sebastian are unimpressed. However, Herman Greenhill silences everyone when he grabs Ciel's bruised and worn-out hand. iphone mail sortieren nach absender. Furthermore, Edward purposely tells Ciel that Elizabeth will definitely be coming to support her only brother. Edward comments that he did not recognize Sebastian at all, stunning Ciel. [77], After the dance lessons, Ciel comes out to greet Elizabeth. Turning her back to Ciel, she faces the corpses, announcing that she is the daughter of the leader of the British knights and the wife of the Queen's Watchdog. [493], When Ciel asks Edward which star Elizabeth is under, the latter reveals that it is Canopus and that Elizabeth was also told that she is rare. [113], Ciel notices how injured Sebastian is, and Grelle comments that Sebastian has great endurance; he went to save Ciel, even though one of his arms was heavily wounded. Ciel explains that Maurice tricked him; McMillan is upset, but then realizes he and the other boys who heard what Maurice said can testify. Lau confesses that he has always wanted to say it at least once, and Ciel berates him. He tries to reach her, but his leg is caught. [360] Lawrence then gently pats Ciel on the head and tells him to leave the rest to him.

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