tyrone washington vietnam navy cross

    125 more was awarded to Navy personnel. Single-handedly attacked an NVA bunker complex, destroying one bunker before he was killed while advancing on a second. Led his PBR in a four-hour battle which killed 15 of the enemy and destroyed 28 sampans and an ammunition cache. Covered an enemy grenade with his body, and then managed to throw it away, saving the lives of three Marines. After his recon patrol was ambushed, he rescued a mortally wounded Marine under heavy fire and then called in danger close air strikes for eight hours. Najwitszej Maryi Panny Krlowej Polski > Bez kategorii > tyrone washington vietnam navy cross 11 czerwca 2022 hillsville, va labor day flea market 2021 natural disasters after 2010 Awarded for actions during the Vietnam War. dallas newspaper obituaries; equus electric water temperature gauge installation. Despite his painful wound, he refused evacuation and continued fighting throughout the night, Hamlet of Nam Pho Ha, Tha Thin Province, Threw himself on an enemy hand grenade and managed to throw it out of his position before it exploded, Assaulted and silenced an enemy machine gun position and carried two wounded Marines to safety before he was wounded, Surgeon who successfully amputated a wounded man's leg which had an armed 2.75-inch rocket imbedded in it, Located a pilot who had been shot down and attacked anti-aircraft positions which threatened the search and rescue helicopter before he himself was shot down. Johnson ordered the deployment of combat units for the first time and increased troop levels,[3] reaching a peak of 543,000 in April 1969. Delivered devastating fire on the enemy using a grenade launcher, a machine gun and a rifle despite being seriously wounded, While the Company First Sergeant, he rallied his Marines in repulsing numerous NVA attacks, Led two amphibian tractors in gaining fire superiority over the enemy during an ambush and evacuating wounded Marines, Despite being seriously wounded at the beginning of an ambush, he directed the fire of his patrol gunboat and defeated the enemy, Assumed command of his platoon when the platoon leader was killed, and later placed his own body between his wounded Marines and the enemy and provided covering fire, Flew his A-6 in a single-plane night attack against a heavily defended port facility and successfully bombed the target, Led his company in repulsing an NVA attack, accounting for 62 enemy soldiers killed, Placed his patrol craft between two fellow Sailors who were blown from another boat into the river and enemy positions and successfully rescued them, Directed the evacuation of the wounded and then led the assault on an enemy position despite being wounded multiple times, Place himself between his point man and the enemy and was wounded while delivering suppressive fire. Despite being wounded twice while treating and carrying a Marine to safety, he began assisting a second Marine when he was killed. Task Force 116 (TF-116). When he regained consciousness, he returned to his weapon before he collapsed. tyrone washington vietnam navy cross - lavamusic.is COMMENDATIONS . When he was moving the Marine to cover, he was mortally wounded. Dabney was the son-in-law of. Time passes quickly. Led a fire team in an assault of an NVA mortar position, personally killing two enemies, and then provided suppressive fire allowing his wounded Marines to withdraw, silencing a machine gun before he was killed. PDF Last First M.i. Rank Conflict Agencies with a requirement to verify valor award recipients should contact the appropriate military service. Field artillery batteryman who held off an enemy attack with a machine gun. 8 World War II recipients. A-6 Bombardier/Navigator who precisely dropped several bombs on a heavily defended port facility, Assumed command of a reaction force during an ambush, moved several wounded Marines to safety, and provided covering fire despite being wounded himself, allowing the force to withdraw, Despite being wounded twice, he continued to provide aid to wounded Marines for three hours, Shot down two enemy fighter jets in a single action, Led four wounded Marines to safety after being cut-off for over one hour, Despite being wounded, he carried two wounded Marines to safety and was attempting to assist a third when he was killed, Assumed command of his platoon during an ambush and was covering the evacuation of the wounded when he was killed, Carried his wounded platoon commander to safety across 75 meters of open rice paddies under heavy fire and was mortally wounded as they reached safety, Rendered first aid to several wounded Marines, shielding them on two occasions from enemy fire using his own body before he was killed, Reported accurate information over the radio for over one hour despite being wounded during an NVA attack, and was later found with five dead enemies in front of his position, November 30, 1964, January 13 & 24, 1965, March 16, 1965, Naval advisor to the River Force Vietnamese Navy who was involved in more than 30 combat operations, Remained at the controls of his crippled aircraft, allowing seven of his nine crew members to bail out and be rescued shortly after, Despite being wounded in the leg at the beginning of an ambush, he dragged himself to an exposed position when he fired his machine gun at the enemy until he lost consciousness, Extracted several groups of Marines with his CH-46 helicopter while under heavy fire, Led his platoon in an assault against a Viet Cong battalion, saving the lives of approximately 40 South Vietnamese soldiers, Single-handedly assaulted enemy positions on two consecutive days, killing several of the enemy, near Hill 881, Khe Sanh, Qung Tr Province, Single-handedly attacked and engaged an NVA force which had penetrated the wire in hand-to-hand combat and, despite being wounded, continued fighting for another two hours, After assisting one wounded Marine to safety, he ran 75 meters to assist two more wounded Marines and was wounded before he fired a machine gun into an NVA bunker and killed three of the enemy, Single-handedly assaulted two enemy machine gun positions despite being wounded, Assumed command of part of his platoon and led an assault to rescue several cut-off Marines, Despite being wounded, he provided covering fire to allow his fire team to withdraw, killing four Viet Cong, Directed precise air strikes from an exposed position for five hours before he was seriously wounded, Led his battalion in killing more than 200 of the enemy, Single-handedly defended an amphibian tractor that was stuck in a rice paddy for 20 hours, Rescued a downed Navy pilot, and later successfully flew his helicopter to the coast and ditched it in the sea after it was badly damaged and all crew members wounded, When he observed a helicopter crash 150 meters from his position, he single-handedly ran to the helicopter, pulled two men from the helicopter, and held off a large enemy force for over an hour, Led his company to relieve several beleaguered companies, Twice ran 150 meters across an open rice paddy to pour devastating machine gun fire on the enemy, Lone Vietnam Navy Sea Commando to join lone US Navy SEAL, Company commander who threw himself on a grenade which failed to detonate, Originally awarded the Bronze Star which was upgraded in 2006, Senior Marine advisor to Republic of Vietnam Marine Corps, Led a strike force against the heavily defended Hai Phong petroleum and oil storage area. He was later killed in a helicopter crash in Qung Nam Province on November 18, 1970. mortar round from the chest of a wounded South Vietnamese soldier. Billy Ray Pike is an even more sensitive type, because he worries about having left his young sweetheart pregnant and later winds up hooked on drugs in Vietnam. When his UH-1E helicopter landed to extract four soldiers from a downed helicopter, he killed many enemy with his machine gun, and left the helicopter twice to help carry wounded men to the helicopter, killing one Viet Cong at close range with his pistol. THE WALL OF FACES - Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund While occupying a listening post, he covered an enemy hand grenade with his helmet, two flak jackets, and his own body. After killing two sappers who threw satchel charges at him and a fellow Marine, he placed his own body between the Marine and the satchel charges and was killed. Led a frontal assault across 800 meters of rice paddies and knocked out a machine gun position, personally accounting for 10 enemies killed. Squad leader/advisor in a combined action platoon, Radar intercept officer in F-4J Phantom credited with five victories. Two Marines, Martin L. Brandtner[4] and Joseph P. Donovan,[5] were both awarded two Navy Crosses. Born in East St. Louis, Illinois, Washington graduated from Gentry High School in Indianola, Mississippi in 1995. Threw an enemy hand grenade out of his PBR, and then directed suppressive fire on the attacking enemy despite being wounded. Squad leader who was killed by enemy fire while shielding a wounded Marine with his own body, Village of Thon Ha Vinh, Tha Thin Province, Fire team leader who smothered an enemy grenade with his own body and was seriously wounded. List of battleships of the United States Navy, List of aircraft of the Malaysian Armed Forces, Articles incorporating text from Hall of Valor.com, Articles with more content than Wikipedia, Articles incorporating text from Wikipedia, Recipients of the Navy Cross (United States), Senior Chief Interior Communications Electrician, United States Marine Corps Navy Cross recipients of the Vietnam War, List of Medal of Honor recipients for the Vietnam War, http://valor.militarytimes.com/recipient.php?recipientid=4116, http://valor.militarytimes.com/recipient.php?recipientid=4324, http://valor.militarytimes.com/recipient.php?recipientid=4073, http://valor.militarytimes.com/recipient.php?recipientid=4280, http://valor.militarytimes.com/recipient.php?recipientid=4039, "Trump to Award Medal of Honor to Marine for Hue City Heroism", https://www.military.com/daily-news/2018/07/19/trump-award-medal-honor-marine-hue-city-heroism.html, "SECNAV INSTRUCTION 1650.1H: Navy and Marine Corps awards manual", https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjPkfSB8rv4AhVTKlkFHf70APgQFnoECAUQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.marines.mil%2FPortals%2F1%2FPublications%2FSecNavInst%25201650.1H.pdf&usg=AOvVaw0iA5bvV3EzfhIu1UBfWBQG, http://valor.militarytimes.com/recipient.php?recipientid=4233, http://valor.militarytimes.com/recipient.php?recipientid=4021, http://valor.militarytimes.com/recipient.php?recipientid=4402, http://valor.militarytimes.com/recipient.php?recipientid=4371, http://valor.militarytimes.com/recipient.php?recipientid=4493, http://valor.militarytimes.com/recipient.php?recipientid=4292, http://valor.militarytimes.com/recipient.php?recipientid=4352, http://valor.militarytimes.com/recipient.php?recipientid=4057, http://valor.militarytimes.com/recipient.php?recipientid=4497, http://valor.militarytimes.com/recipient.php?recipientid=4467, http://valor.militarytimes.com/recipient.php?recipientid=4409, 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