prayer for daughter to find the right man

    Please grant me the power to look at love through spiritual eyes, And to remain sincere about finding the relationship I have longed for. (by Alicia Michelle, Pray Against Satanic Attacks in Your Child's Life), Lord, I pray Your emotional, physical, and spiritual protection over my daughter. Almighty God, I pray that you will help me search for a life partner. (Rebecca Barlow Jordan), Im praying my daughter whose hands are limp and whose tongue is silent. God, I pray that my daughters future husband would give himself fully to her, and she to him. God, may my daughters future husband love you with all his heart, soul, mind, and strength. Everything and everyone else will come and go, but God will always be there. Dear God, Please help me to better myself and to find my true love. She deserves a man that has the same values that she has and to share love of family. As her mom, I feel no worry for your power precedes all, and your promise will never return void. Amen. Help him live with her in an understanding way. She will experience something with him that she has never experienced before. Your email address will not be published. She is a beautiful smart hardworking person who only wishes for the life she sees her friends have; marriage, home and children. People also often settle for a person they know might not be right for them, but they are nervous if they let them go they wont find anyone else in the future. St. Joseph, patron of departing souls, pray for me. She acts like she doesn't care, but I know she truly desires to spend her days with someone special. Pray that she may find the right man who will treat her with love and respect. May they always be friends, and never stop being lovers. (by Brett Rinehart), Create in _________________ a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within her (Psalm 51:10). I pray that my husband will serve people cheerfully and from his heart. And what might these prayers be working out for their futures that I wont see for years to come? Lord, You created my daughter. We pray youd protect our sons from that kind of destructive thinking, and that if theyre tempted to take these kind of drastic measures, that youd send someone in their lives to stop them. I pray their life together will be filled with love and laughter. Viernes/3/Marzo/2023 As parents, you have the most powerful tool to help your daughter become a good citizen of her country and a humble follower of Christ Jesusand this is through prayer. Amen. I sometimes want to be God in my kids lives. Draw her close to you and her husband when she feels afraid. I ask for your love and guidance and for your blessings. But His ways are above our ways and His thoughts are above our thoughts (Is 58:8). God, be working in him, even now, to form his love for you, and for others. Thanks and God bless you. Help lead me in the path you have for me and guide me to my future partner. Amen. 2. May he be a safe refuge for her; may she be a safe refuge for him. 00:00 / 45:32. After laying down to take a nap with her 2-year-old son, the mother of Joshua "JJ" Rowland awoke . Be encouraged that God moves through prayer and you can equip yourself and your daughter with wisdom. Teach my daughter that she has the opportunity to accept a new, beautiful identity that is called good, not because of what she has done or what she looks like, but because she is secure in who YOU say she is: treasured, delightful, known and protected. Amen. I know you have a path that she is taking but her strength and faith is diminishing. Put successes in his life to help him praise you. May she do the same for him. Please find your way to help her find the true love that she so wants. As Dr. Wayne Dyer used to say: When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.. Give us wisdom as we raise her. Besides knowing you as her savior, who she chooses to marry is the most important decision she will ever make. Like many others my daughter has also been hurt from past relationships and still continues to be positive, although it is getting hard. I pray that he is surrounded with godly men and women to guide him in his journey with you. My daughter is such a beautiful person. We pray that he will love her as much as we do. Let us thank Him for the perfect model of a strong husband and father in Joseph. Lord, I commit all her plans into your hands. She and her pastor hubby, JP, planted Crossline Church in Laguna Hills, CA in 2005. We pray that our daughters would treasure their sexuality as a true gift from You, and that they would honor that gift by saving it as a precious treasure to give their future spouse. Keep her away from men who have bad intentions. Oh God, see her faith in you and hear my prayers for her to go into college. 1. Be with her in her sleep and remind her of all the important things in life. She has risen above them and is a genuine loving person. Yes those lost causes. Fill him with Your wisdom. Direct my daughter, Lord God, into the right path away from any forms of temptation that seek to stain her purity. In Jesus name, Amen. Besides knowing you as her savior, who she chooses to marry is the most important decision she will ever make. Give her the gift of peace and joy as she learns to value great things over material possessions. Lord, help my daughter's future husband be a hard worker, a man of complete integrity, and a man she can trust to protect her and provide for her. My daughter is 31 nowI wish I had the knowledge and wisdom back in her younger years. He hasn't forgotten her. Give her strength to admit she doesnt have all the answers and to reach out for help. Amen. He must be kind and respectful, but also strong enough to protect her. I pray that he will be a self-reliantsteward and a visionarypartner with regard to money, and that he will keep an eternal perspective in temporal matters. Main photo credit: GettyImages/The Good Brigade, Image Credit: Photo by Jude Beck on Unsplash Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash Photo by Josh Withers on Unsplash Photo by Henry Be on Unsplash Photo by Leon Biss on Unsplash Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash Audio Credit: Start seeing real results in your life. I pray that he has the bravery to forsake any distractions that may be sabotaging his ability to achieve what he desires. Download your own personal copy of Prayers For Your Daughter HERE. To guard what comes out of her mouth. prayer for daughter to find the right man. Nothing more. I fervently hope that she will be more responsible for venting her emotions to other people. 38 The Pines St, Benton, MS 39039, USA, Frustrated with your prayers going unanswered? Prayers For My Daughter And Her Boyfriend. In her weakness, you put your power on full display. Thank you for helping me raise her to be such a loving woman. I pray for his heart. You have blessed me so much, entrusting me to care for my children. This is my prayer for my kids. 4. Bless her with children that they will raise to love & serve you ! Can you relate on any level? I pray that he can become self-aware and continues to pray for strength and to work on himself. I pray for agreement, clarity, and compromise in all our familymeetings. God, may my daughters future husband love you with all his heart, soul, mind, and strength. She is a beautiful smart hardworking person who only wishes for the life she sees her friends have; marriage, home and children. Have We Turned Our Favorite Preachers and Teachers into Idols? I pray that he is generous, loving, respectful, compassionate, empathetic, and comes to each interaction with pure motives. Praying Gods word and asking for help from the Holy Spirit through these prayers for daughters would greatly help you and your precious daughters as you both journey toward His righteousness and Godly honor. Donna travels the country inspiring women to love God in real life, and is the author of three books, including Seek: A Womans Guide to Meeting God. God, I pray that my daughter's future husband would give himself fully to her, and she to him. We can recognize that our daughters will marry humans, which means they will marry sinners. I pray that my husband will be an example to others who cross his path. Grant her patience until Your perfect timing. I thank you & praise your holy name. Give her a strong work ethic and health to accomplish all her tasks. I pray that my husband feels loved, respected, trusted, honored, and appreciated. I pray that my husband will be diligent, honest, and enthusiastic in his responsibilities. In Jesus name, amen. When life gets hard, remind them to turn toward each other, not away from each other. May she keep herself under control and not give full vent to people and situations that anger her, (Proverbs 29:11). I pray that my husbands mind will be illuminated with discernment to priorities in his life. As Christian parents, we pray for our children each day. Free Ebook : "How To Pray With Power & Conviction "Connect With Your Higher Power, Strengthen Your Faith, And Find Peace, Purpose, And Clarity. May my daughters future husband be an unselfish man, who loves her as Christ loves his church. I pray that my husband will have the courage to safeguard his heart and honor his wedding vows. I pray Lord, that as she grows-up she will grow closer to You with each passing year and that You would give her wisdom and discernment to know what is right and to reject that which is not of You. Make him the kind of man who can say with genuine authenticity, Follow me, as I follow Christ. May their life together be a signpost for others that declares, God is real and God is good. She is always talking about her wedding and even gets on one knee to propose to her dad (and to me!). May I be embraced in the circle of your love, may I be uplifted by your grace and may the arms of my true beloved find me. I pray they will cling to each other through the storms of life. God, may my daughter's future husband love you with all his heart, soul, mind, and strength. So this month, I challenged myself to pray for my husband all month in a specific way. Thank you Jesus that Your perfect plan is not one second early or late. May she please You, Lord, by desiring, asking for, and utilizing a discerning heart full of wisdom, (1 Kings 3:9-12). I pray in the name of Jesus. Teach her through your holy scriptures that despite so many things, she may still manage to find her way back to you to find comfort. Dear God, May she find comfort in Your ability, God, to reach her, hold her and rescue her (2 Samuel 22:17-18).3. Please send her a man who can make her feel secure and loved. May you find me a partner who respects women and values his relationships. If it is your will, guide me to the person you have chosen for me. I pray that he is able to see each gesture, each word, and each act of service as a gift to him and to be open to receive it fully and with gratitude. I pray for him. But prayer is the only possibility with real possibility. Help me to be the father you have called me to be. Amen. He will love her in ways that other men didnt and it will be so worth it when they finally meet. I pray that he relies on You for help and guidance. Connect with Donna at I pray that he will be a good influence and be influenced only by goodness. I pray that my husband finds physical, emotional, mental, social and spiritual strength, as wellas perspective in hardships, challenges, and persistent issues he may face. Help her keenly judge all her influences and touch her heart with your grace through every word from the bible as she explores the different personalities of others. 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Our daughter graduated from college a few months ago, which means the reality of finding a life partnerthe right life partneris no longer something I pray about from a distance. Give them a home filled with joy. I pray that he is upholding Your Word and if he is yet to know you, I pray that you would reveal Yourself to Him.

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