avoyelles parish plantations

    Catholic Church. He does a retail business of from $50,000 to $60,000 annually, a fact that speaks louder than words can do as to the success which has attended his studies, and upon starting out in life for himself was an intelligent and well informed young man. The Louisiana Digital Library (LDL) is composed of collections from many different institutions. 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Local histories are available for Avoyelles Parish, Louisiana Genealogy. The following are the most historically and genealogically relevant populated places in this county:[5]. After retiring from active service he became adjutant- major of the National Guards of the department des Basses Pyrenees, and died at the age of seventy-five years. Before presuming McEnery, Dr. Thomas A. Roy received an academic education in his native parish, and in July, 1888, he entered the Louisville Medical School, graduating with honor in February, 1890. endeavors to succeed in life have resulted satisfactorily, and as a shrewd *There is a New Hope Cemetery in Grant Parish, located south of Verda about three miles off Hwy. He was born ou February 11, 1832, and is a son of Josoph and Deidami (Rabalais) Joffrion (see sketch of E. J. Joffrion]. Go. Although not active in politics he takes go real He is a Mr, Hudson is one of the leading business men of Eola, and has been on the police jury of Avoyelles Parish for some time. After becoming the mother of one daughter Mrs. Marshall died in 1872, and after remaining a widower for four years Mr. Marshall married Alice, daughter of His wife, Louisa Scallan, was born in this parish, and bore her husband seven children, the immediate subject of this sketch being the eldest of the family. Builder was Mr. Jonathan Koen. Review he does till in his power to improve the morals of this section and to build up the community. After their removal to Warsaw, 111., Mr. Pavey engaged in merchandising. 189 of the A. F. & A. M. of Evergreen. Mr. Wier is a gentleman of judgment and ability, and his efforts in behalf of the school color or tint (assuming the original has any), you can generally purchase a quality copy of The Catholic religion is predominant. preferred living a more retired life, devoting himself to his home interests and to the advancement of the locality. fitted, for he had been familiar with the work from the time he was fourteen were both natives of Virginia, in which State they grew to mature years, and in though taking a keen interest in general politics, he is not an active politician and has no aspirations for office. He was born in Bedford County, Tenn., December 8, 1851, and in that State was retired and educated. Linking An addition was constructed on the left side of the original structure creating an open dogtrot in 1872. south Carolina and the mother of Louisiana. See Louisiana Church Records for online records and various denominations. Legend claims that William T. Sherman stopped to rest under the existing oak while being pursued by angry cadets from Alexandria. succeeding year at San Antonio, Tex. Since that time be has resided on his plantation at Eola, find has practiced his profession. His parents, Edmond and Hermantine (Barbin) Sancier, were born in New Orleans, the his home is spacious and comfortable, his wife who has a great, fondness for flowers, has ornamented the home surroundings. having received his attention from early boyhood, his father having been uncommonly devoted to agriculture. Plantation names were not shown on the census. Dr. E. de Nux, physician and surgeon, Marksville, La. transferred to the staff of Gen. D. H. Hill, of the Army of the Potomac. graduated from Charleston Medical College. Mr. Wier's predecessor honesty. can be difficult because the name of a plantation may have been changed through the years and because the sizeable number upon finishing his education was well equipped to make his own way in the world. In 1880 he was elected to the Legislature and served until 1884. Mr. Fields was reared and educated in Boyle County, Ky., and was a merchant of Danville. J. Catholic Church. This gentleman was born in Avoyelles Parish in 1849, and is a son of Z. and Delophine (Bordelon) Lemoine, both of whom tire natives of this parish where they now reside. his views on all matters are original and shrewd, and although he is not of a disputatious disposition be expresses his opinions fearlessly on all matters, and his logic is oft times unanswerable. Mr. Tanner is a native of this State, born in 1804, and is a son of E. L. and Alice Winifred (Glaze) Tanner, both of whom were also born in this State, being here reared, the education of the father being obtained in the State of Virginia. Gardens and ruins open daily, March 1 to June 30 & October 1 to December 1. This Roman Catholic church serves Sonoma County CA . In 1872 an addition was constructed on the left side of the original structure creating an open dogtrot. They may contain information about members, such as: name; age, baptism, christening, or birth; marriage, maiden names; and death. war, when he returned home in Louisiana. He delivered addresses before the Louisiana Return to Louisiana He first, began business for himself as a When a young man, he was married in Halifax County, to Miss Rebecca Hunt, of one of the old Virginia families, and a cousin of Mimmiken Hunt, who was the first minister to the United States from the Republic of Texas. On the Mississippi River, most shipping was down river on log rafts or wooden boats that were dismantled and sold as lumber in the vicinity of New Orleans. After the war he returned home and entered journalism, taking charge of the Bulletin with his father, and continuing until the death of the latter, when the paper was turned over to the present proprietor. The paternal grandfather of our subject, was also born in Louisiana, and was a planter. Physical rights are retained by the State Library of Louisiana. Immediately afterward he entered the the maternal grandfather, James Thompson, was born in Edinburg, Scotland, but came to this country at, an early date. General Richard Taylor's Confederate army failed to prevent Union army crossing . In 1888 he began his career as a publisher, and in that year the first number of the Weekly Blade was given to the public and met with such a warm reception that he has continued the publication of the same ever since, and since February, 1890, has been its proprietor. MIGRATION OF FORMER SLAVES: According to U.S. Census data, the 1860 Avoyelles Parish population included Louisiana Records and Statistics Information ~ where and how to order information. His success has been almost phenomenal, and he is now not only one of the youngest practicing physicians, but one of the leading ones of the parish. He took a in 1871 Mr. Mayer Photograph. Rachel. Benjamin, Frank, John. different years, the transcriber was not aware of any relevant changes to Parish boundaries. Walter and Elizabeth. V. and Eugenie (Ganthier) Rabalais, both natives of Louisiana, and their families being among the first of this part of the State. Avoyelles abounds in history, from the famous pre-historic Indian mound site, to Civil War battle sites, and historic museums. West & Brother, of Bunkie, La., and both are active and progressive business men. Being in easy financial circumstances, he is enabled to give his chief attention to literature to the exclusion of money making, and In January, 1889, in partnership with his father, he opened like establishments in Bunkie and Midway, and has been manager of both stores ever since. young. At the ago of McEnery, E. John Ellis and Col. The French influence, however, was noted in most areas. His marriage which occurred in 1870 was to Miss Lizzie Woodward, who died in 1885, William Hall is one of the public spirited citizens of the parish, and as editor of the Marksville years of age, his first work being done under his father. David Raymond Fox, at the age of four years, was taken to Montville, Conn., where he remained five years, when he returned to his father's home in when his father-in-law having died, be returned home to take charge of the interests there. This prominent business He is now deceased. Pleasant and been far above the average. He was a member of both houses later. Mr. Joffrion is one of the largest and Randolph Fox was born in De Soto, Clarke County, Miss., September 1, 1803, and, is the eldest son of Following the holder list is a separate list of the surnames of the holders with He attended the public schools of the town in his youth, and C. Grimillion, planter, Moreanville, La. Dr. George Edward by her has four intelligent and interesting children: Arthur L., Edine, Lionel He has never taken a prominent part in political matters, but is a public spirited citizen, and is prominently identified with any enterprise that has for its object the country's good. It was paid out at Shreveport, La., and at Marshall, Tex. Prof. Wier was reared in the Creole State, prepared for college in the public and private school of the parish, and graduated from Keatchie College, Keatchie, La., in June, 1888. Another two properties were once listed but have been removed. Some of these former slaves may have been using the surname of their 1860 He died when about eighty years of age, in 1882, but his widow is still a resident of Cottonport, and is, as was her husband, a member of the The Avoyels were later absorbed by the Tunica Biloxi tribe. He is not only held in high repute as a physician, but he has a host of warm Louisiana, after which he took a two years' course in Centre College, Ky., and after finishing his education engaged in plant ing. in colored population of almost double between 1860 and 1870, growing to over 50,000, so likely that is where many went. Avoyelles Parish proudly displays its French-friendly seal from the Council on the Development of French in Louisiana. They surrendered at Shreveport. Image; Results: 1-9 of 9 View. Va. planter, and has devoted much of his time to this calling ever since, and Mr. Gremillion's father. He delivered an address at the meeting of the National Press Mr. Eegard is educating his children in good schools, and all are Mr. Irion lost his first wife in 1878, and in 1875) be wedded Miss Alice Mort, of Now Orleans. Avoyelles Parish Marriages Return to Marriage Index. The latter received limited educational advantages, but by observation and study he has improved this to a great extent. She The elder Prescott removed to Louisiana when seventeen years of age, and followed blacksmithing a short time previous to buying the plantation where William M.. Jr., now resides. She is au exceptionally intelligent, enterprising and well-posted lady, and for many years past has been doing business for herself, first starting out in life for herself as a milliner. He afterward sold out and moved to Avoyelles Parish, locating on the Atchafalaya at Simmesport, where he acquired a fair trade. in 1871 he purchased a plantation, and erected au He died in 1885, at the advanced age of eighty-six years, greatly regretted all over Louisiana. Besides the necessity of river transportation, the ground near the rivers and old river channels contained the best agricultural land, where the sandy and silty soil settled, increasing the height of the natural levees. 1825-1830 by Antoine Gosserand. West was educated in Keatchie College, Keatchie, La., and after Significance: Clarendon Plantation House, located in Avoyelles Parish Louisiana was originally constructed circa 1842. In 1881 he was married to Miss Henrietta He was called from earth in 1871, at the age of forty-three years, but his widow, who was educated in Louisiana and Alabama, still survives him, and is, as washer husband, a consistent member of the Episcopal Church. A. M. Gremillion, publisher and proprietor of Marksville He was a member of the Baptist Church, as was also the mother, who died in 1SS6, at the age of eighty-two years. Regard is of foreign nativity, his birth having Embracing law as ft profession, he soon rose to a prominent rank among Louisiana's most distinguished jurists. Upon the death of Clarendon Plantation, Avoyelles parish, in the 1930s tags elegant residence on it. He died in 1879, at which time he was one of the wealthiest men in the parish. He has taken a prominent part in the different enterprises which south," which was highly commended. He served to 1888, and was noted for his uprightness and impartiality, qualities so desirable in one who wears the ermine. South Carolina, respectively. In 1879 he was elected a delegate to the Constitutional Convention, and helped frame the present constitution of Louisiana. such age enumerated, out of a total of 3,950,546 slaves, and the transcriber did not find any such information on the He attended Shelbyville University, Bedford County, Tenn., and lacked only one year of graduating in that institution, when he was obliged to levae school. his widow passed from life in 1890 at the age of seventy-three years. Mr. Kemper is a scholarly, refined gentleman of more than ordinary ability, and citizen who is honored and respected. David C. Howard attained years of discretion in Avoyelles Parish, and prepared for college in this parish. He was married in August, 1890, to Miss Elize, daughter of F. and Zeline (Monnin) - Significance: Clarendon Plantation House, located in Avoyelles Parish Louisiana was originally constructed circa 1842. Photo, Print, Drawing Clarendon Plantation, Evergreen, Avoyelles Parish, LA Drawings from Survey HABS LA-1248 About this Item. In 1888 Mr. Watson's second marriage took place, his wife being Miss Florence White, and to their marriage a daughter and son LARGEST SLAVEHOLDERS FROM 1860 SLAVE CENSUS SCHEDULES, SURNAME MATCHES FOR AFRICAN AMERICANS ON 1870 CENSUS. sound and intelligent views. Visitation of Mobile. the Library of Congress because of rights considerations, but you have access to larger size images on son of true honor. leaving five children, two sons and three daughters, one child dying at the age of ton years, in 1888. To his marriage have been born nine children: Amedee, Amanda (wife of Arcade Rabalais), Gelcina (wife of P. Rabalais), Ezilda (wife of Arcade La Cour), J. D., Anna (wife of F. J. Beyt), Clara (wife of D. C. Chaliau), Mary and Eugene (wife of E. N. Dufour). After returning and spending a short time in Natchitoches, he came to Marksville, where he once more engaged in " teaching the young ideas how to shoot. The clay soil settled farther away from the rivers and being less stable, it slumped to muddy back-swamps. With an inexpensive cotton gin a man could remove seed from as much cotton in one day as a woman could de-seed in two months working at a rate of about one pound per day. T. Lemoine, general merchant, Cottonport, La. Dr. Roy's maternal grandfather was a native of France, and the father of Dr. Roy was of Canadian- French descent, and his father was a native of Canada. Thomas Overton, attorney at law and ex-judge of the Twelfth Judicial District of Louisiana, was born in St. Landry Parish, La., in 183(5. The dogtrot and other minor alterations were made in 1967. was engaged in the construction of railways in this State and Texas, afterward opening a stage line in Louisiana and Arkansas, which he managed for six years. The Louisiana Digital Library is a service provider only and has no authority to grant permission to publish or supply high-resolution images.

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